Division Stats - 2019 Division 5

Most Runs in the Season

Name Team Runs Innings Not OutN.O. Average High ScoreH.S.
Mike Barton Erlestoke 1113 16 1 74.2 141
Joe Dorgan Erlestoke 923 12 5 131.9 189*
Ronny Fernandes Buscot Park 791 13 2 71.9 156
Simon Ellis Spye Park 554 17 2 36.9 110*
Nick Palmer Erlestoke 457 16 5 41.5 100*
Paul Clarke Hinton Charterhouse 2 456 7 3 114.0 200*
Archie Walsh Sherston Magna 440 12 4 55.0 73
Hamish Millar Buscot Park 435 15 3 36.3 55*
Scott Woolley Hinton Charterhouse 2 433 11 2 48.1 78
Greg Hall Sherston Magna 421 14 6 52.6 131
David Allen Purton 2 416 15 2 32.0 59*
Mike Du Boulay Spye Park 416 17 4 32.0 78*
Hugh Brooker Hinton Charterhouse 2 406 14 2 33.8 100
Adam Iles Goatacre 3 382 11 1 38.2 76
Thisara Gedara Purton 2 372 10 1 41.3 111
Ben Whiting Westbury 2 368 9 1 46.0 101
Toby Dorgan Erlestoke 364 4 1 121.3 179*
Matthew Spencer Hinton Charterhouse 2 354 12 4 44.3 93
Paul Merrett Bathford 341 11 0 31.0 97
Ben Batchelor Buscot Park 317 13 1 26.4 87
Aaron Court Buscot Park 309 9 1 38.6 119
Osmond Shallow Westbury 2 306 8 2 51.0 79
Paul Gainey Westbury 2 297 9 2 42.4 79
Luke Stoneham Goatacre 3 295 15 1 21.1 65
Fin Fielder Spye Park 289 15 0 19.3 49
Graeme Morrison Erlestoke 286 12 0 23.8 113
Fraser Conway Purton 2 282 14 4 28.2 73
Jonathan Anstee De Mas Spye Park 267 8 0 33.4 78
Ferdie Van Der Merwe Goatacre 3 267 12 0 22.3 51
Paul Fennell Spye Park 265 14 3 24.1 51*
James Harmer Sherston Magna 260 10 1 28.9 63
James Mawson Westbury 2 259 10 0 25.9 77
Felix Plant Erlestoke 258 10 3 36.9 63*
Cormac Pritchett Biddestone 3 258 10 1 28.7 75*
Grant Savides Westbury 2 251 13 1 20.9 47
Martin Hewitt Biddestone 3 235 11 3 29.4 74
Richard Cartwright Sherston Magna 229 8 1 32.7 58
Ryan Berry Biddestone 3 221 14 2 18.4 45*
Martin Gurney Bathford 217 8 0 27.1 76
Joseph Panes Biddestone 3 217 9 0 24.1 53
James Dark Westbury 2 210 6 1 42.0 54
Toby Iles Goatacre 3 201 6 0 33.5 110

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Highest Batting Average

Minimum: 200 Runs

Name Team Runs Innings Not OutN.O. Average High ScoreH.S.
Joe Dorgan Erlestoke 923 12 5 131.9 189*
Toby Dorgan Erlestoke 364 4 1 121.3 179*
Paul Clarke Hinton Charterhouse 2 456 7 3 114.0 200*
Mike Barton Erlestoke 1113 16 1 74.2 141
Ronny Fernandes Buscot Park 791 13 2 71.9 156
Archie Walsh Sherston Magna 440 12 4 55.0 73
Greg Hall Sherston Magna 421 14 6 52.6 131
Osmond Shallow Westbury 2 306 8 2 51.0 79
Scott Woolley Hinton Charterhouse 2 433 11 2 48.1 78
Ben Whiting Westbury 2 368 9 1 46.0 101
Matthew Spencer Hinton Charterhouse 2 354 12 4 44.3 93
Paul Gainey Westbury 2 297 9 2 42.4 79
James Dark Westbury 2 210 6 1 42.0 54
Nick Palmer Erlestoke 457 16 5 41.5 100*
Thisara Gedara Purton 2 372 10 1 41.3 111
Aaron Court Buscot Park 309 9 1 38.6 119
Adam Iles Goatacre 3 382 11 1 38.2 76
Simon Ellis Spye Park 554 17 2 36.9 110*
Felix Plant Erlestoke 258 10 3 36.9 63*
Hamish Millar Buscot Park 435 15 3 36.3 55*
Hugh Brooker Hinton Charterhouse 2 406 14 2 33.8 100
Toby Iles Goatacre 3 201 6 0 33.5 110
Jonathan Anstee De Mas Spye Park 267 8 0 33.4 78
Richard Cartwright Sherston Magna 229 8 1 32.7 58
David Allen Purton 2 416 15 2 32.0 59*
Mike Du Boulay Spye Park 416 17 4 32.0 78*
Paul Merrett Bathford 341 11 0 31.0 97
Martin Hewitt Biddestone 3 235 11 3 29.4 74
James Harmer Sherston Magna 260 10 1 28.9 63
Cormac Pritchett Biddestone 3 258 10 1 28.7 75*
Fraser Conway Purton 2 282 14 4 28.2 73
Martin Gurney Bathford 217 8 0 27.1 76
Ben Batchelor Buscot Park 317 13 1 26.4 87
James Mawson Westbury 2 259 10 0 25.9 77
Paul Fennell Spye Park 265 14 3 24.1 51*
Joseph Panes Biddestone 3 217 9 0 24.1 53
Graeme Morrison Erlestoke 286 12 0 23.8 113
Ferdie Van Der Merwe Goatacre 3 267 12 0 22.3 51
Luke Stoneham Goatacre 3 295 15 1 21.1 65
Grant Savides Westbury 2 251 13 1 20.9 47

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Highest Scores

Name Score Team Opponents
Paul Clarke 200* Hinton Charterhouse 2 @ Goatacre 3
Paul Clarke 191* Hinton Charterhouse 2 v Erlestoke
Joe Dorgan 189* Erlestoke v Goatacre 3
Toby Dorgan 179* Erlestoke v Buscot Park
Ronny Fernandes 156 Buscot Park v Hinton Charterhouse 2
Joe Dorgan 143 Erlestoke v Biddestone 3
Mike Barton 141 Erlestoke @ Biddestone 3
Mike Barton 135 Erlestoke v Spye Park
Greg Hall 131 Sherston Magna v Spye Park
Elliot Townsend 128* Goatacre 3 @ Westbury 2
Toby Dorgan 125 Erlestoke v Spye Park
Ronny Fernandes 119* Buscot Park @ Erlestoke
Aaron Court 119 Buscot Park @ Westbury 2
Joe Dorgan 118* Erlestoke @ Hinton Charterhouse 2
Kenley Thomas 115 Purton 2 @ Erlestoke
Graeme Morrison 113 Erlestoke v Westbury 2
Thisara Gedara 111 Purton 2 v Bathford
Simon Ellis 110* Spye Park v Erlestoke
Toby Iles 110 Goatacre 3 v Westbury 2
Joe Dorgan 109* Erlestoke @ Purton 2
Joe Dorgan 105* Erlestoke @ Spye Park
David Miles 105* Goatacre 3 v Spye Park
Mike Barton 104 Erlestoke v Westbury 2
Mike Barton 101 Erlestoke v Biddestone 3
Ben Whiting 101 Westbury 2 v Buscot Park
Nick Palmer 100* Erlestoke @ Hinton Charterhouse 2
Hugh Brooker 100 Hinton Charterhouse 2 v Purton 2
Dan House 100 Westbury 2 v Spye Park
Hugh Brooker 98 Hinton Charterhouse 2 @ Goatacre 3
Nick Palmer 98 Erlestoke @ Bathford
Ronny Fernandes 97 Buscot Park @ Biddestone 3
Paul Merrett 97 Bathford v Spye Park
Thisara Gedara 97 Purton 2 v Spye Park
Ronny Fernandes 95 Buscot Park v Spye Park
Matthew Spencer 93 Hinton Charterhouse 2 v Purton 2
Tom Mornement 93 Spye Park v Bathford
Simon Ellis 93 Spye Park @ Sherston Magna
Mike Barton 91 Erlestoke v Buscot Park
Mark Atkinson 90 Goatacre 3 v Westbury 2
Ben Batchelor 87 Buscot Park @ Erlestoke
Greg Harden 86* Hinton Charterhouse 2 v Bathford
Mike Barton 83 Erlestoke @ Hinton Charterhouse 2
Ed Reed 82* Sherston Magna v Biddestone 3
Ronny Fernandes 82 Buscot Park v Westbury 2
Henry Haydon 82 Hinton Charterhouse 2 @ Spye Park
Paul Merrett 81 Bathford @ Spye Park
Alistair Duffield 81 Bathford @ Buscot Park
Osmond Shallow 79 Westbury 2 v Goatacre 3
Paul Gainey 79 Westbury 2 @ Erlestoke
Mike Du Boulay 78* Spye Park v Biddestone 3
Scott Woolley 78 Hinton Charterhouse 2 v Sherston Magna
Jonathan Anstee De Mas 78 Spye Park @ Westbury 2
Mike Barton 77 Erlestoke v Sherston Magna
James Mawson 77 Westbury 2 v Buscot Park
Adam Iles 76 Goatacre 3 v Biddestone 3
Martin Gurney 76 Bathford @ Hinton Charterhouse 2
Adam Iles 76 Goatacre 3 @ Spye Park
Aaron Court 76 Buscot Park v Purton 2
Cormac Pritchett 75* Biddestone 3 v Goatacre 3
Mike Barton 74 Erlestoke v Bathford
Martin Hewitt 74 Biddestone 3 @ Goatacre 3
Archie Walsh 73 Sherston Magna v Spye Park
Fraser Conway 73 Purton 2 @ Westbury 2
Ronny Fernandes 72* Buscot Park @ Spye Park
Matthew Spencer 71* Hinton Charterhouse 2 v Spye Park
Fin White 70 Hinton Charterhouse 2 v Bathford
Archie Walsh 67 Sherston Magna @ Goatacre 3
Max Bentley 67 Biddestone 3 @ Bathford
Dave Nelson 67 Sherston Magna v Hinton Charterhouse 2
Edward Carver 67 Biddestone 3 v Sherston Magna
Osmond Shallow 66* Westbury 2 v Sherston Magna
Archie Walsh 66* Sherston Magna @ Spye Park
Paul Gainey 66 Westbury 2 v Hinton Charterhouse 2
Keilo Shallow 66 Westbury 2 @ Buscot Park
Luke Stoneham 65 Goatacre 3 @ Buscot Park
Scott Woolley 65 Hinton Charterhouse 2 v Biddestone 3
Fraser Conway 65 Purton 2 v Spye Park
Joe Dorgan 65 Erlestoke v Hinton Charterhouse 2
John Roberts 64 Westbury 2 v Purton 2
Greg Hall 63* Sherston Magna @ Westbury 2
Osmond Shallow 63* Westbury 2 v Biddestone 3
Felix Plant 63* Erlestoke v Hinton Charterhouse 2
Luke Roche 63 Purton 2 v Biddestone 3
Adam Iles 63 Goatacre 3 @ Purton 2
James Harmer 63 Sherston Magna @ Erlestoke
Charlie Morgan 63 Buscot Park v Purton 2
Simon Ellis 62 Spye Park @ Purton 2
Simon Ellis 60 Spye Park v Westbury 2
Ronny Fernandes 60 Buscot Park v Bathford
David Allen 59* Purton 2 v Spye Park
L Purser 59 Sherston Magna @ Goatacre 3
Sam Nitz 59 Westbury 2 v Spye Park
Jonathan Anstee De Mas 58 Spye Park @ Bathford
Richard Cartwright 58 Sherston Magna @ Erlestoke
David Allen 57 Purton 2 @ Westbury 2
Giles White 57 Hinton Charterhouse 2 @ Erlestoke
Simon Ellis 56 Spye Park @ Westbury 2
Ben Whiting 56 Westbury 2 v Biddestone 3
Edward Carver 56 Biddestone 3 @ Westbury 2
Charlie Morgan 56 Buscot Park @ Westbury 2
Nick Palmer 55* Erlestoke @ Biddestone 3
Hamish Millar 55* Buscot Park v Biddestone 3
Mike Barton 55 Erlestoke v Purton 2
Oscar Wilson 54* Bathford @ Biddestone 3
James Dark 54 Westbury 2 @ Spye Park
Hamish Millar 54 Buscot Park @ Erlestoke
Archie Walsh 53* Sherston Magna @ Bathford
Chris Antrobus 53* Hinton Charterhouse 2 v Goatacre 3
Scott Woolley 53* Hinton Charterhouse 2 @ Sherston Magna
Joseph Panes 53 Biddestone 3 @ Spye Park
Mike Barton 53 Erlestoke @ Spye Park
Joe Dorgan 53 Erlestoke v Bathford
Ben Whiting 53 Westbury 2 v Sherston Magna
Adam Iles 52* Goatacre 3 @ Bathford
Felix Plant 52* Erlestoke @ Spye Park
Thomas Ponting 52* Goatacre 3 v Spye Park
Thisara Gedara 52 Purton 2 v Westbury 2
David Fitch-Peyton 52 Sherston Magna v Spye Park
Scott Woolley 52 Hinton Charterhouse 2 @ Spye Park
Christian Knott 52 Westbury 2 @ Goatacre 3
Paul Fennell 51* Spye Park @ Erlestoke
Hamish Millar 51* Buscot Park v Goatacre 3
Alex Senneck 51 Westbury 2 v Erlestoke
Ferdie Van Der Merwe 51 Goatacre 3 @ Hinton Charterhouse 2
Mazhar Hussain 51 Purton 2 @ Erlestoke
William Thompson 51 Buscot Park @ Spye Park
Archie Walsh 51 Sherston Magna v Hinton Charterhouse 2
Martin Hewitt 50* Biddestone 3 @ Purton 2
Kayleb Gooderson 50* Westbury 2 v Goatacre 3
Scott Woolley 50 Hinton Charterhouse 2 v Buscot Park
Mark Thatcher 50 Buscot Park v Spye Park
Guy Dawson 50 Purton 2 v Bathford
Gary Thompson 50 Buscot Park @ Spye Park

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Most Wickets in the Season

Name Team WicketsWkt Figures Ave Eco SR
Joe Dunn Purton 2 26 120-20-452-26 17.38 3.77 27.69
Andy Pegg Sherston Magna 25 104-26-321-25 12.84 3.09 24.96
Adam Iles Goatacre 3 24 99.1-16-411-24 17.13 4.14 24.79
Matthew Walker Hinton Charterhouse 2 23 76.3-16-265-23 11.52 3.46 19.96
James Kutchera Sherston Magna 22 84-16-225-22 10.23 2.68 22.91
Richard Newport Hinton Charterhouse 2 22 94.4-16-382-22 17.36 4.04 25.82
Ben Hadfield Hinton Charterhouse 2 21 89.3-19-326-21 15.52 3.64 25.57
Jamie Richards Purton 2 21 91-13-333-21 15.86 3.66 26.00
Fin Fielder Spye Park 21 98-8-531-21 25.29 5.42 28.00
Mark Thatcher Buscot Park 20 79.5-18-254-20 12.70 3.18 23.95
Michael Heasman Buscot Park 20 78.4-15-291-20 14.55 3.70 23.60
Paul Fennell Spye Park 20 123.1-24-435-20 21.75 3.53 36.95
Mark Mullis Erlestoke 18 87-4-414-18 23.00 4.76 29.00
Barry Garland Goatacre 3 18 101-9-430-18 23.89 4.26 33.67
William Thompson Buscot Park 17 100.2-7-514-17 30.24 5.12 35.41
Luke Stoneham Goatacre 3 17 103.3-6-571-17 33.59 5.52 36.53
Aaron Court Buscot Park 16 61-10-217-16 13.56 3.56 22.88
Grant Savides Westbury 2 16 107-7-532-16 33.25 4.97 40.13
Martin Hewitt Biddestone 3 15 119-34-325-15 21.67 2.73 47.60
Mark Bedford Erlestoke 15 79-12-365-15 24.33 4.62 31.60
Simon Higgins Westbury 2 15 73.2-1-465-15 31.00 6.34 29.33
Fraser Conway Purton 2 15 120-14-468-15 31.20 3.90 48.00
Pippa Brown Biddestone 3 14 66.2-10-252-14 18.00 3.80 28.43
Rob Fielder Spye Park 14 83.5-13-334-14 23.86 3.98 35.93
Matthew Spencer Hinton Charterhouse 2 14 76-10-340-14 24.29 4.47 32.57
Archie Walsh Sherston Magna 14 73-8-362-14 25.86 4.96 31.29
Paul Gainey Westbury 2 13 35.2-1-209-13 16.08 5.92 16.31
Luke Roche Purton 2 13 59.4-4-231-13 17.77 3.87 27.54
Matt Thomas Erlestoke 13 68.3-12-262-13 20.15 3.82 31.62
Joe Dorgan Erlestoke 13 81-13-313-13 24.08 3.86 37.38
Grant Willis Westbury 2 13 85.4-9-482-13 37.08 5.63 39.54
Martin Gurney Bathford 12 56-3-236-12 19.67 4.21 28.00
Jack John Purton 2 12 64.4-9-252-12 21.00 3.90 32.33
Ben Batchelor Buscot Park 12 85.5-8-400-12 33.33 4.66 42.92
Simon Hulance Sherston Magna 11 58.5-8-196-11 17.82 3.33 32.09
Matthew Watts Bathford 11 48.5-3-264-11 24.00 5.41 26.64
Andrew Murray Bathford 11 50.3-1-291-11 26.45 5.76 27.55
Greg Harden Hinton Charterhouse 2 10 24-6-62-10 6.20 2.58 14.40
Harry Stevens Sherston Magna 10 37-3-133-10 13.30 3.59 22.20
Richard Cartwright Sherston Magna 10 49.3-8-180-10 18.00 3.64 29.70
James Dark Westbury 2 10 46-4-191-10 19.10 4.15 27.60
Huw Lee Hinton Charterhouse 2 10 49.4-6-230-10 23.00 4.63 29.80
Joseph Panes Biddestone 3 10 58-4-234-10 23.40 4.03 34.80
Luca Press Bathford 10 52.1-8-242-10 24.20 4.64 31.30
Ollie Godwin Spye Park 10 44-2-265-10 26.50 6.02 26.40
Seb Evans Biddestone 3 10 73-16-304-10 30.40 4.16 43.80

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Best Bowling Average

Minimum 50 overs

Name Team Average Figures Eco SR
James Kutchera Sherston Magna 10.23 84-16-225-22 2.68 22.91
Matthew Walker Hinton Charterhouse 2 11.52 76.3-16-265-23 3.46 19.96
Mark Thatcher Buscot Park 12.70 79.5-18-254-20 3.18 23.95
Andy Pegg Sherston Magna 12.84 104-26-321-25 3.09 24.96
Aaron Court Buscot Park 13.56 61-10-217-16 3.56 22.88
Michael Heasman Buscot Park 14.55 78.4-15-291-20 3.70 23.60
Ben Hadfield Hinton Charterhouse 2 15.52 89.3-19-326-21 3.64 25.57
Jamie Richards Purton 2 15.86 91-13-333-21 3.66 26.00
Adam Iles Goatacre 3 17.13 99.1-16-411-24 4.14 24.79
Richard Newport Hinton Charterhouse 2 17.36 94.4-16-382-22 4.04 25.82
Joe Dunn Purton 2 17.38 120-20-452-26 3.77 27.69
Luke Roche Purton 2 17.77 59.4-4-231-13 3.87 27.54
Simon Hulance Sherston Magna 17.82 58.5-8-196-11 3.33 32.09
Pippa Brown Biddestone 3 18.00 66.2-10-252-14 3.80 28.43
Dave Nelson Sherston Magna 18.00 54.4-9-162-9 2.96 36.44
Martin Gurney Bathford 19.67 56-3-236-12 4.21 28.00

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Best Bowling Economy

Minimum 50 overs

Name Team Economy Figures Ave SR
James Kutchera Sherston Magna 2.68 84-16-225-22 10.23 22.91
Martin Hewitt Biddestone 3 2.73 119-34-325-15 21.67 47.60
Dave Nelson Sherston Magna 2.96 54.4-9-162-9 18.00 36.44
Andy Pegg Sherston Magna 3.09 104-26-321-25 12.84 24.96
Mark Thatcher Buscot Park 3.18 79.5-18-254-20 12.70 23.95
Simon Hulance Sherston Magna 3.33 58.5-8-196-11 17.82 32.09
Matthew Walker Hinton Charterhouse 2 3.46 76.3-16-265-23 11.52 19.96
Paul Fennell Spye Park 3.53 123.1-24-435-20 21.75 36.95
Aaron Court Buscot Park 3.56 61-10-217-16 13.56 22.88
Dan Hatcher Hinton Charterhouse 2 3.57 84-19-300-9 33.33 56.00
Ben Hadfield Hinton Charterhouse 2 3.64 89.3-19-326-21 15.52 25.57
Jamie Richards Purton 2 3.66 91-13-333-21 15.86 26.00
John Bramwell Spye Park 3.69 65-11-240-9 26.67 43.33
Michael Heasman Buscot Park 3.70 78.4-15-291-20 14.55 23.60
Joe Dunn Purton 2 3.77 120-20-452-26 17.38 27.69
Pippa Brown Biddestone 3 3.80 66.2-10-252-14 18.00 28.43
Matt Thomas Erlestoke 3.82 68.3-12-262-13 20.15 31.62
Joe Dorgan Erlestoke 3.86 81-13-313-13 24.08 37.38
Luke Roche Purton 2 3.87 59.4-4-231-13 17.77 27.54
Fraser Conway Purton 2 3.90 120-14-468-15 31.20 48.00
Jack John Purton 2 3.90 64.4-9-252-12 21.00 32.33
Rob Fielder Spye Park 3.98 83.5-13-334-14 23.86 35.93

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Best Bowling Figures

Name Figures Team Opponents
Andy Pegg 7.5-4-5-6 Sherston Magna v Bathford
Archie Walsh 6-2-20-6 Sherston Magna v Goatacre 3
Matthew Walker 9-0-40-6 Hinton Charterhouse 2 @ Goatacre 3
Joe Dunn 9-1-48-6 Purton 2 @ Erlestoke
Harry Stevens 6-1-13-5 Sherston Magna v Purton 2
Richard Newport 9-2-14-5 Hinton Charterhouse 2 @ Biddestone 3
Adam Iles 9-3-15-5 Goatacre 3 v Spye Park
Joe Dunn 9-1-16-5 Purton 2 @ Sherston Magna
Jerry Waylen 7.3-3-27-5 Buscot Park v Goatacre 3
Andy Pegg 9-3-28-5 Sherston Magna @ Goatacre 3
James Kutchera 9-0-29-5 Sherston Magna v Biddestone 3
Aaron Court 9-0-50-5 Buscot Park v Hinton Charterhouse 2
Rob Fielder 9-1-51-5 Spye Park @ Buscot Park
Michael Tuck 4-2-2-4 Westbury 2 @ Bathford
Mark Thatcher 9-5-7-4 Buscot Park v Spye Park
Matt Thomas 9-5-12-4 Erlestoke @ Bathford
James Kutchera 8-5-13-4 Sherston Magna @ Buscot Park
Joseph Panes 4-0-14-4 Biddestone 3 @ Goatacre 3
Mark Thatcher 9-3-14-4 Buscot Park @ Goatacre 3
Luke Roche 5.5-0-16-4 Purton 2 @ Westbury 2
Baber Khan 6-0-18-4 Purton 2 v Hinton Charterhouse 2
Simon Higgins 8.2-0-18-4 Westbury 2 v Hinton Charterhouse 2
Alex Ladner 2-0-19-4 Erlestoke v Bathford
Matthew Spencer 9-3-21-4 Hinton Charterhouse 2 v Spye Park
Greg Harden 8-2-22-4 Hinton Charterhouse 2 v Bathford
Felix Plant 4-0-25-4 Erlestoke v Sherston Magna
Greg Harden 9-3-25-4 Hinton Charterhouse 2 v Sherston Magna
Ben Hadfield 7-1-26-4 Hinton Charterhouse 2 @ Bathford
Jamie Richards 9-2-26-4 Purton 2 v Spye Park
Adam Iles 9-1-26-4 Goatacre 3 @ Bathford
Joe Dorgan 8-1-27-4 Erlestoke @ Bathford
Mark Mullis 9-2-27-4 Erlestoke v Goatacre 3
Matthew Walker 9-2-27-4 Hinton Charterhouse 2 @ Spye Park
Mark Thatcher 9-1-27-4 Buscot Park @ Spye Park
Tom Andrews 5-1-29-4 Goatacre 3 @ Hinton Charterhouse 2
Martin Gurney 7-0-30-4 Bathford @ Buscot Park
Matthew Walker 9-1-30-4 Hinton Charterhouse 2 v Purton 2
Kieran Dickenson 9-1-31-4 Erlestoke v Biddestone 3
Grant Savides 9-1-31-4 Westbury 2 @ Bathford
Jamie Richards 9-2-41-4 Purton 2 v Goatacre 3
Michael Heasman 9-1-44-4 Buscot Park v Bathford
Matt Thomas 9-1-47-4 Erlestoke v Purton 2
Christian Knott 8.2-0-56-4 Westbury 2 v Buscot Park
Matthew Watts 9-0-59-4 Bathford @ Erlestoke

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Name Figures Team Opponents
Ben Hadfield 7-1-26-4 Hinton Charterhouse 2 @ Bathford
Christian Knott 8.2-0-56-4 Westbury 2 v Buscot Park
James Dark 8-2-44-3 Westbury 2 @ Spye Park

Best Wicket Keeping

Name Team Catches Stumpings Total
Mike Barton Erlestoke 14 4 18
Bradley Low Hinton Charterhouse 2 9 1 10
Jon Press Bathford 6 2 8
Mark Atkinson Goatacre 3 4 3 7
Emily Bogg Spye Park 4 3 7
Guy Dawson Purton 2 6 6

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Highest Team Scores

Score Overs Team Opponents
363-2 40.1 Hinton Charterhouse 2 v Goatacre 3
355-3 45 Erlestoke v Spye Park
339-6 45 Erlestoke v Biddestone 3
327-7 45 Hinton Charterhouse 2 v Bathford
326-3 38.5 Hinton Charterhouse 2 v Erlestoke
324-2 45 Erlestoke v Hinton Charterhouse 2
318-3 45 Erlestoke v Goatacre 3
314-5 45 Sherston Magna v Spye Park
312-1 38.4 Erlestoke v Buscot Park
310-3 45 Buscot Park v Erlestoke
308-7 35.5 Westbury 2 v Erlestoke
305-9 45 Erlestoke v Westbury 2
304-4 45 Purton 2 v Spye Park
298-8 45 Purton 2 v Erlestoke
287-10 37 Goatacre 3 v Spye Park
284-4 45 Erlestoke v Biddestone 3
284-6 45 Buscot Park v Spye Park
284-7 45 Sherston Magna v Goatacre 3
281-5 45 Purton 2 v Bathford
281-10 44.5 Purton 2 v Westbury 2
276-5 45 Hinton Charterhouse 2 v Sherston Magna
276-4 27.1 Goatacre 3 v Westbury 2
273-5 45 Westbury 2 v Goatacre 3
272-8 45 Buscot Park v Purton 2
270-7 45 Erlestoke v Bathford
266-5 45 Westbury 2 v Buscot Park
265-9 45 Westbury 2 v Spye Park
260-4 45 Sherston Magna v Biddestone 3
256-5 45 Hinton Charterhouse 2 v Purton 2
256-6 45 Buscot Park v Biddestone 3
256-8 45 Erlestoke v Purton 2
254-10 44.4 Spye Park v Buscot Park
253-7 45 Buscot Park v Hinton Charterhouse 2
250-4 41.3 Erlestoke v Spye Park

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Lowest Team Scores

Score Overs Team Opponents
48-10 28.5 Bathford v Sherston Magna
66-10 30.4 Biddestone 3 v Hinton Charterhouse 2
70-10 33.2 Sherston Magna v Purton 2
71-10 27.1 Bathford v Purton 2
77-10 37.3 Buscot Park v Sherston Magna
87-10 30.4 Goatacre 3 v Buscot Park
89-10 39 Spye Park v Buscot Park
95-10 22.3 Spye Park v Hinton Charterhouse 2
97-10 35.4 Goatacre 3 v Hinton Charterhouse 2
97-10 23.3 Biddestone 3 v Sherston Magna
100-10 32 Purton 2 v Goatacre 3
103-10 33 Goatacre 3 v Sherston Magna
105-10 41.2 Purton 2 v Hinton Charterhouse 2
106-10 26 Goatacre 3 v Sherston Magna
107-6 34 Biddestone 3 v Purton 2
108-10 29.2 Bathford v Hinton Charterhouse 2
112-10 31.2 Bathford v Purton 2
112-10 33.5 Purton 2 v Sherston Magna
117-10 41.2 Goatacre 3 v Biddestone 3
124-10 34.5 Goatacre 3 v Bathford

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