The league rules for 2025 can be downloaded as a PDF.
The league has created a number of policies to assist clubs.
The Joining the League Policy gives details of how to join the league, the requirements which must be met, and the deadlines for applying.
The Promotion and Relegation Policy explains how promotion and relegation is implemented. It is based on both the league rules and common practice, and is written in simpler language than the league rules on promotion and relegation.
The Weather Interference Policy outlines when cricket should stop due to the weather, when it should restart, and who makes the decision.
The Concussion Policy states how a player must be managed following any head injury, both for the rest of the match, and after the match.
The Smoking and Vaping Policy is one sentence. It is not acceptable for any player or umpire to smoke or vape on the field of play while the match is in progress.
The Scoring Policy covers the scoring of league matches. In summary, a scorebook must be used, and in Divs 1-8 there must be two scorers.
The Videography Policy covers the videoing and live streaming of matches. It references The ECB Policy.
Club contact details and ground directions can be found by clicking on a club name in the fixture list or division table. Contact details are only available once logged in.