Minor reorganisation, Divisions 7-10 after 2025 season

The league is growing quickly. We have had 29 new teams join the league in the last 5 years. 18 of those teams have been too strong to play in Division 10. The number of new teams coming into the league is well in excess of the number of gaps we can create to accommodate them at the correct level. Thus we now have a number of teams playing in too low a division. The number of teams in this position is such that normal promotion will not resolve the problem, plus we are likely to have more such teams apply to join the league in 2026.

Therefore, as stated at the AGM, there will be a minor reorganisation of Divisions 7-10 at the end of the 2025 season. Quite simply, we will take the teams who will play in Divisions 7-10 in 2026, and based on their 2025 results and the division they were playing in, we will put the strongest 10 teams into Division 7, the next 10 into Division 8, etc. This means it is likely that more than 2 teams will be relegated from each of these divisions. Obviously the decision as to which teams go into which division will be subjective, and won't be an easy decision for the committee to make. But our aim will be to get everybody playing teams who are at about their level.

Change of Teams and Fixtures, Division 4 and 5

Following a discussion at the AGM, Beehive Southwick have dropped from Division 4 to 5, and Avebury 2 have moved up from Division 5 to 4. This has caused the fixtures for these teams to change, and also for Coastal Cobras (Div 4) and Heytesbury & Sutton Veny (Div 5). All club secretaries and fixture secretaries have been informed, and the fixtures on this website have been updated.

Club Officer and Captain Contact Details

As clubs have their AGMs, please then log into the league website and update/confirm your officers and captains contact details for the 2025 season.. If the details are unchanged, you need to click the "update/confirm" link, and then click to confirm the details are correct.