Division Stats - 2018 Division 5

Most Runs in the Season

Name Team Runs Innings Not OutN.O. Average High ScoreH.S.
Toby Dorgan Erlestoke 903 14 0 64.5 173
Mike Barton Erlestoke 705 17 0 41.5 163
Joe Veacock Melksham 661 16 2 47.2 154
Archie Scott Collingbourne 634 10 5 126.8 167*
Peter Turner Goatacre 3 616 11 3 77.0 117
Joe Dorgan Erlestoke 552 11 7 138.0 122*
Paul Merrett Bathford 498 14 1 38.3 100
Matthew Hunt Melksham 488 13 3 48.8 128*
David Allen Purton 2 450 14 2 37.5 115
Ian Love Wanborough 443 9 3 73.8 90
Adam Brunton Bathford 437 13 0 33.6 75
Thomas Wallis Melksham 434 15 2 33.4 75
Martin Gurney Bathford 397 13 2 36.1 91
John Baldwin Wanborough 384 13 4 42.7 114*
Mark Wilson Purton 2 372 11 2 41.3 118*
Daniel Carpenter Melksham 372 18 2 23.3 96*
Yasir Irshad Royal Wootton Bassett 3 369 9 0 41.0 100
Russ Collins Melksham 367 10 0 36.7 112
Andy Holman Collingbourne 337 11 0 30.6 60
Osmond Shallow Westbury 2 330 10 1 36.7 155*
James Mawson Westbury 2 327 4 1 109.0 114*
Tahir Hanif Royal Wootton Bassett 3 318 14 0 22.7 55
Paul Penfold Wanborough 302 10 2 37.8 107
Ferdie Van Der Merwe Goatacre 3 297 12 0 24.8 54
Joseph Panes Biddestone 3 290 11 2 32.2 58
Nick Palmer Erlestoke 286 13 2 26.0 67
Martin Hewitt Biddestone 3 284 12 3 31.6 71
Claise Fernandes Wanborough 283 6 2 70.8 79*
Mark Atkinson Goatacre 3 269 6 2 67.3 118*
David Malley Collingbourne 262 14 0 18.7 77
Andrew Murray Bathford 261 12 0 21.8 39
Joe Maloney Erlestoke 251 8 4 62.8 49
Adam Iles Goatacre 3 250 9 2 35.7 53
Luke Stoneham Goatacre 3 245 12 3 27.2 60
Joel Jones Wanborough 244 8 1 34.9 79
Tom Beard Goatacre 3 230 3 1 115.0 103
Ian Pinchen Westbury 2 229 3 0 76.3 148
Braxton Gonsalves Wanborough 229 6 0 38.2 105
C Meggs Biddestone 3 228 12 1 20.7 54
Edward Carver Biddestone 3 225 5 0 45.0 61
Paul Gainey Westbury 2 222 6 0 37.0 149
David Griffin Royal Wootton Bassett 3 222 9 0 24.7 54
Graham Horn Biddestone 3 221 15 1 15.8 51

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Highest Batting Average

Minimum: 200 Runs

Name Team Runs Innings Not OutN.O. Average High ScoreH.S.
Joe Dorgan Erlestoke 552 11 7 138.0 122*
Archie Scott Collingbourne 634 10 5 126.8 167*
Tom Beard Goatacre 3 230 3 1 115.0 103
James Mawson Westbury 2 327 4 1 109.0 114*
Peter Turner Goatacre 3 616 11 3 77.0 117
Ian Pinchen Westbury 2 229 3 0 76.3 148
Ian Love Wanborough 443 9 3 73.8 90
Claise Fernandes Wanborough 283 6 2 70.8 79*
Mark Atkinson Goatacre 3 269 6 2 67.3 118*
Toby Dorgan Erlestoke 903 14 0 64.5 173
Joe Maloney Erlestoke 251 8 4 62.8 49
Matthew Hunt Melksham 488 13 3 48.8 128*
Joe Veacock Melksham 661 16 2 47.2 154
Edward Carver Biddestone 3 225 5 0 45.0 61
John Baldwin Wanborough 384 13 4 42.7 114*
Mike Barton Erlestoke 705 17 0 41.5 163
Mark Wilson Purton 2 372 11 2 41.3 118*
Yasir Irshad Royal Wootton Bassett 3 369 9 0 41.0 100
Paul Merrett Bathford 498 14 1 38.3 100
Braxton Gonsalves Wanborough 229 6 0 38.2 105
Paul Penfold Wanborough 302 10 2 37.8 107
David Allen Purton 2 450 14 2 37.5 115
Paul Gainey Westbury 2 222 6 0 37.0 149
Russ Collins Melksham 367 10 0 36.7 112
Osmond Shallow Westbury 2 330 10 1 36.7 155*
Martin Gurney Bathford 397 13 2 36.1 91
Adam Iles Goatacre 3 250 9 2 35.7 53
Joel Jones Wanborough 244 8 1 34.9 79
Adam Brunton Bathford 437 13 0 33.6 75
Thomas Wallis Melksham 434 15 2 33.4 75
Joseph Panes Biddestone 3 290 11 2 32.2 58
Martin Hewitt Biddestone 3 284 12 3 31.6 71
Andy Holman Collingbourne 337 11 0 30.6 60
Luke Stoneham Goatacre 3 245 12 3 27.2 60
Nick Palmer Erlestoke 286 13 2 26.0 67
Ferdie Van Der Merwe Goatacre 3 297 12 0 24.8 54
David Griffin Royal Wootton Bassett 3 222 9 0 24.7 54
Daniel Carpenter Melksham 372 18 2 23.3 96*
Tahir Hanif Royal Wootton Bassett 3 318 14 0 22.7 55
Andrew Murray Bathford 261 12 0 21.8 39
C Meggs Biddestone 3 228 12 1 20.7 54

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Highest Scores

Name Score Team Opponents
Toby Dorgan 173 Erlestoke @ Royal Wootton Bassett 3
Archie Scott 167* Collingbourne @ Bathford
Mike Barton 163 Erlestoke @ Goatacre 3
Osmond Shallow 155* Westbury 2 v Goatacre 3
Joe Veacock 154 Melksham @ Biddestone 3
Paul Gainey 149 Westbury 2 @ Biddestone 3
Ian Pinchen 148 Westbury 2 @ Bathford
Matthew Hunt 128* Melksham @ Biddestone 3
Toby Dorgan 123 Erlestoke v Westbury 2
Joe Dorgan 122* Erlestoke @ Melksham
Mark Atkinson 118* Goatacre 3 @ Bathford
Mark Wilson 118* Purton 2 @ Goatacre 3
Joshua Boulton 118 Biddestone 3 v Bathford
Peter Turner 117 Goatacre 3 @ Melksham
David Allen 115 Purton 2 v Westbury 2
James Mawson 114* Westbury 2 v Melksham
John Baldwin 114* Wanborough @ Goatacre 3
Russ Collins 112 Melksham @ Royal Wootton Bassett 3
Toby Dorgan 112 Erlestoke @ Purton 2
Joe Veacock 111 Melksham @ Royal Wootton Bassett 3
Joe Dorgan 110* Erlestoke v Melksham
Nathan Caddell 107 Biddestone 3 @ Erlestoke
Toby Dorgan 107 Erlestoke @ Bathford
Paul Penfold 107 Wanborough @ Goatacre 3
Archie Scott 106* Collingbourne v Wanborough
Braxton Gonsalves 105 Wanborough v Biddestone 3
Tom Beard 103 Goatacre 3 v Wanborough
Owen Sheppard 102 Collingbourne v Erlestoke
Joe Dorgan 100* Erlestoke v Biddestone 3
James Dark 100* Westbury 2 @ Biddestone 3
Yasir Irshad 100 Royal Wootton Bassett 3 v Erlestoke
Paul Merrett 100 Bathford v Collingbourne
Peter Turner 96* Goatacre 3 v Bathford
Daniel Carpenter 96* Melksham @ Bathford
James Mawson 96 Westbury 2 v Bathford
Toby Iles 95* Goatacre 3 @ Collingbourne
Joe Veacock 95 Melksham v Purton 2
David Allen 93 Purton 2 v Bathford
Paul Merrett 91 Bathford @ Goatacre 3
Ben Pope 91 Biddestone 3 @ Erlestoke
Martin Gurney 91 Bathford v Goatacre 3
James Mawson 91 Westbury 2 v Collingbourne
Ian Love 90 Wanborough @ Bathford
Ian Love 90 Wanborough v Collingbourne
Archie Scott 89 Collingbourne @ Westbury 2
Ben Whiting 88 Westbury 2 @ Collingbourne
Peter Turner 87 Goatacre 3 v Erlestoke
Ryan Vincent 86* Royal Wootton Bassett 3 v Collingbourne
Ben Whiting 84* Westbury 2 v Purton 2
Yasir Irshad 84 Royal Wootton Bassett 3 v Westbury 2
Paul Merrett 83 Bathford v Melksham
Joe Willis 83 Westbury 2 @ Erlestoke
Will Eden 83 Collingbourne v Biddestone 3
Mike Barton 82 Erlestoke v Melksham
Keegan Lane 81* Wanborough @ Royal Wootton Bassett 3
Ian Pinchen 81 Westbury 2 v Erlestoke
George Penfold 81 Wanborough @ Erlestoke
Peter Turner 81 Goatacre 3 v Purton 2
Russ Collins 80 Melksham @ Collingbourne
Claise Fernandes 79* Wanborough v Collingbourne
Joel Jones 79 Wanborough @ Collingbourne
Tom Gailey 78 Collingbourne v Goatacre 3
Archie Scott 77* Collingbourne v Westbury 2
Paul Merrett 77* Bathford @ Melksham
David Malley 77 Collingbourne @ Royal Wootton Bassett 3
Tom Beard 76* Goatacre 3 v Erlestoke
Thomas Wallis 75 Melksham @ Bathford
Toby Dorgan 75 Erlestoke v Biddestone 3
Adam Brunton 75 Bathford @ Biddestone 3
Matthew Hunt 75 Melksham v Purton 2
Morgan Marsh-Ballard 74* Royal Wootton Bassett 3 @ Bathford
Matthew Hunt 74* Melksham @ Goatacre 3
Owen Sheppard 73* Collingbourne @ Wanborough
Richard Oakley 71* Westbury 2 @ Bathford
Bhaskar Basavaraj 71* Purton 2 @ Collingbourne
Martin Hewitt 71 Biddestone 3 v Purton 2
Joel Jones 71 Wanborough v Purton 2
Mark Wilson 71 Purton 2 v Westbury 2
Daniel Carpenter 70 Melksham @ Westbury 2
Michael Tuck 70 Westbury 2 v Wanborough
Ian Love 69* Wanborough v Westbury 2
Adam Brunton 69 Bathford v Melksham
Thomas Wallis 69 Melksham @ Erlestoke
Ryan Allen 69 Purton 2 @ Biddestone 3
David Allen 69 Purton 2 v Melksham
Martin Gurney 68 Bathford v Westbury 2
Toby Dorgan 67 Erlestoke v Collingbourne
Nick Palmer 67 Erlestoke @ Goatacre 3
Kayleb Gooderson 67 Westbury 2 @ Purton 2
Peter Turner 66* Goatacre 3 @ Royal Wootton Bassett 3
Mark Wilson 66* Purton 2 v Melksham
Russ Collins 66 Melksham @ Westbury 2
Jack Clarke 66 Purton 2 v Erlestoke
Braxton Gonsalves 66 Wanborough @ Bathford
Mike Barton 66 Erlestoke @ Melksham
Joe Veacock 65 Melksham @ Westbury 2
Adam Brunton 65 Bathford @ Collingbourne
Claise Fernandes 65 Wanborough v Purton 2
Neil Little 64 Purton 2 v Erlestoke
Ian Love 63* Wanborough v Erlestoke
Will Eden 63 Collingbourne v Wanborough
Alex Duffell 63 Purton 2 @ Royal Wootton Bassett 3
Nick Palmer 62 Erlestoke v Westbury 2
Adam Brunton 62 Bathford @ Erlestoke
Edward Carver 61 Biddestone 3 @ Collingbourne
Ian Love 60* Wanborough v Bathford
Osmond Shallow 60 Westbury 2 @ Collingbourne
Cormac Pritchett 60 Biddestone 3 v Wanborough
A Thompson 60 Wanborough @ Melksham
Claise Fernandes 60 Wanborough @ Collingbourne
Andy Holman 60 Collingbourne v Biddestone 3
Luke Stoneham 60 Goatacre 3 @ Westbury 2
George Penfold 60 Wanborough v Erlestoke
Paul Penfold 59 Wanborough v Westbury 2
Adam Brunton 59 Bathford v Westbury 2
Cormac Pritchett 59 Biddestone 3 v Melksham
Joe Dorgan 59 Erlestoke v Westbury 2
Daniel Gill 59 Westbury 2 v Goatacre 3
Andy Holman 58 Collingbourne @ Biddestone 3
Joseph Panes 58 Biddestone 3 @ Bathford
Joseph Panes 57 Biddestone 3 v Collingbourne
Mike Barton 57 Erlestoke @ Bathford
Danish Aziz 56* Royal Wootton Bassett 3 @ Goatacre 3
Martin Hewitt 56* Biddestone 3 v Goatacre 3
Kayleb Gooderson 56* Westbury 2 v Bathford
Martin Gurney 56 Bathford v Biddestone 3
James Smith 55* Royal Wootton Bassett 3 v Melksham
Deepak Ramani 55* Purton 2 @ Bathford
Tahir Hanif 55 Royal Wootton Bassett 3 v Collingbourne
Joe Veacock 55 Melksham v Westbury 2
Ryan Berry 55 Biddestone 3 @ Bathford
Archie Scott 54* Collingbourne v Goatacre 3
Archie Scott 54 Collingbourne @ Erlestoke
C Meggs 54 Biddestone 3 @ Royal Wootton Bassett 3
David Griffin 54 Royal Wootton Bassett 3 v Bathford
Ferdie Van Der Merwe 54 Goatacre 3 @ Biddestone 3
Keilo Shallow 54 Westbury 2 @ Royal Wootton Bassett 3
Sudeep Kamal 53 Collingbourne @ Royal Wootton Bassett 3
Adam Iles 53 Goatacre 3 v Melksham
Thomas Wallis 53 Melksham @ Goatacre 3
Chris Singh 51* Melksham v Goatacre 3
John Baldwin 51 Wanborough @ Biddestone 3
Nick Palmer 51 Erlestoke @ Bathford
Tom Beard 51 Goatacre 3 @ Bathford
Graham Horn 51 Biddestone 3 v Westbury 2
Toby Dorgan 51 Erlestoke @ Wanborough
Henry Warren 50* Collingbourne @ Purton 2
James Smith Snr 50* Royal Wootton Bassett 3 v Purton 2
John Baldwin 50* Wanborough @ Purton 2
James Hudson 50 Westbury 2 @ Wanborough
Edward Carver 50 Biddestone 3 @ Royal Wootton Bassett 3
Darren Sutton 50 Bathford @ Royal Wootton Bassett 3
Joe Veacock 50 Melksham v Royal Wootton Bassett 3

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Most Wickets in the Season

Name Team WicketsWkt Figures Ave Eco SR
Joe Dunn Purton 2 31 96.4-14-318-31 10.26 3.29 18.71
Fraser Conway Purton 2 27 123.5-21-427-27 15.81 3.45 27.52
Toby Dorgan Erlestoke 26 105.1-27-306-26 11.77 2.91 24.27
Natividade Fernandes Wanborough 26 101.1-17-376-26 14.46 3.72 23.35
Jujhar Garcha Bathford 24 69.2-2-445-24 18.54 6.42 17.33
Tari Dogra Royal Wootton Bassett 3 22 93.3-8-404-22 18.36 4.32 25.50
Terry Evans Erlestoke 21 68-1-399-21 19.00 5.87 19.43
Chris Long Melksham 21 118-18-473-21 22.52 4.01 33.71
Archie Scott Collingbourne 18 79.3-21-287-18 15.94 3.61 26.50
Chris Singh Melksham 18 76.4-4-373-18 20.72 4.87 25.56
Clark Evans Westbury 2 17 77.2-21-216-17 12.71 2.79 27.29
Joe Dorgan Erlestoke 17 80.1-11-304-17 17.88 3.79 28.29
Jack Footner Melksham 17 77.3-7-361-17 21.24 4.66 27.35
Jervis Noronha Wanborough 17 99-10-367-17 21.59 3.71 34.94
Martin Gurney Bathford 17 112-14-533-17 31.35 4.76 39.53
Adam Iles Goatacre 3 16 90.4-16-307-16 19.19 3.39 34.00
Mark Mullis Erlestoke 15 85-10-406-15 27.07 4.78 34.00
Barry Garland Goatacre 3 15 98-9-504-15 33.60 5.14 39.20
Liam Foster Erlestoke 14 35.4-1-240-14 17.14 6.73 15.29
Josh Penfold Royal Wootton Bassett 3 14 57.4-5-278-14 19.86 4.82 24.71
Gary Ings Melksham 14 74-16-286-14 20.43 3.86 31.71
Martin Hewitt Biddestone 3 14 112-21-337-14 24.07 3.01 48.00
Liam Stacey Wanborough 13 45.4-6-157-13 12.08 3.44 21.08
Noel Braganza Wanborough 13 47-8-169-13 13.00 3.60 21.69
Joe Veacock Melksham 13 34.3-2-201-13 15.46 5.83 15.92
Stanley Vas Wanborough 13 56.4-7-221-13 17.00 3.90 26.15
Jamie Richards Purton 2 13 53-4-231-13 17.77 4.36 24.46
James Dark Westbury 2 13 62-6-254-13 19.54 4.10 28.62
Joseph Panes Biddestone 3 13 74.4-3-383-13 29.46 5.13 34.46
Matthew Hunt Bathford 13 92.2-16-415-13 31.92 4.49 42.62
Luke Stoneham Goatacre 3 12 75.3-3-336-12 28.00 4.45 37.75
Mark Brett Collingbourne 12 80.4-5-373-12 31.08 4.62 40.33
Osmond Shallow Westbury 2 11 44.3-7-187-11 17.00 4.20 24.27
Steve Glover Collingbourne 11 46-7-187-11 17.00 4.07 25.09
Sam Mcqueen Westbury 2 11 47-4-268-11 24.36 5.70 25.64
Andy Footner Melksham 11 102.2-30-288-11 26.18 2.81 55.82
Matt Thomas Erlestoke 11 64-5-298-11 27.09 4.66 34.91
Jack John Purton 2 10 61-7-268-10 26.80 4.39 36.60

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Best Bowling Average

Minimum 50 overs

Name Team Average Figures Eco SR
Joe Dunn Purton 2 10.26 96.4-14-318-31 3.29 18.71
Toby Dorgan Erlestoke 11.77 105.1-27-306-26 2.91 24.27
Clark Evans Westbury 2 12.71 77.2-21-216-17 2.79 27.29
Natividade Fernandes Wanborough 14.46 101.1-17-376-26 3.72 23.35
Fraser Conway Purton 2 15.81 123.5-21-427-27 3.45 27.52
Archie Scott Collingbourne 15.94 79.3-21-287-18 3.61 26.50
Stanley Vas Wanborough 17.00 56.4-7-221-13 3.90 26.15
Jamie Richards Purton 2 17.77 53-4-231-13 4.36 24.46
Joe Dorgan Erlestoke 17.88 80.1-11-304-17 3.79 28.29
Tari Dogra Royal Wootton Bassett 3 18.36 93.3-8-404-22 4.32 25.50
Jujhar Garcha Bathford 18.54 69.2-2-445-24 6.42 17.33
Matt Lee Melksham 18.67 58.2-16-168-9 2.88 38.89
Terry Evans Erlestoke 19.00 68-1-399-21 5.87 19.43
Adam Iles Goatacre 3 19.19 90.4-16-307-16 3.39 34.00
James Dark Westbury 2 19.54 62-6-254-13 4.10 28.62
Josh Penfold Royal Wootton Bassett 3 19.86 57.4-5-278-14 4.82 24.71

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Best Bowling Economy

Minimum 50 overs

Name Team Economy Figures Ave SR
Clark Evans Westbury 2 2.79 77.2-21-216-17 12.71 27.29
Andy Footner Melksham 2.81 102.2-30-288-11 26.18 55.82
Matt Lee Melksham 2.88 58.2-16-168-9 18.67 38.89
Toby Dorgan Erlestoke 2.91 105.1-27-306-26 11.77 24.27
Martin Hewitt Biddestone 3 3.01 112-21-337-14 24.07 48.00
Anthony D'sa Purton 2 3.26 52.1-11-170-8 21.25 39.13
Joe Dunn Purton 2 3.29 96.4-14-318-31 10.26 18.71
Adam Iles Goatacre 3 3.39 90.4-16-307-16 19.19 34.00
Fraser Conway Purton 2 3.45 123.5-21-427-27 15.81 27.52
Archie Scott Collingbourne 3.61 79.3-21-287-18 15.94 26.50
Jervis Noronha Wanborough 3.71 99-10-367-17 21.59 34.94
Natividade Fernandes Wanborough 3.72 101.1-17-376-26 14.46 23.35
Joe Dorgan Erlestoke 3.79 80.1-11-304-17 17.88 28.29
Gary Ings Melksham 3.86 74-16-286-14 20.43 31.71
Stanley Vas Wanborough 3.90 56.4-7-221-13 17.00 26.15

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Best Bowling Figures

Name Figures Team Opponents
Josh Penfold 9-3-18-6 Royal Wootton Bassett 3 v Biddestone 3
Jamie Richards 4-1-4-5 Purton 2 v Melksham
Jake Hubbard 4-0-8-5 Collingbourne v Melksham
Martin Hewitt 6-0-14-5 Biddestone 3 @ Royal Wootton Bassett 3
Max Bentley 8.5-2-16-5 Biddestone 3 @ Goatacre 3
Clark Evans 9-3-17-5 Westbury 2 v Goatacre 3
Dyren Novais 7-3-18-5 Wanborough @ Purton 2
Osmond Shallow 7-1-22-5 Westbury 2 v Collingbourne
Grant Savides 9-2-22-5 Westbury 2 v Bathford
Joe Dunn 5-0-23-5 Purton 2 v Collingbourne
Martin Gurney 8-2-24-5 Bathford @ Melksham
Neil Little 9-1-24-5 Purton 2 v Erlestoke
Josh Penfold 9-0-24-5 Royal Wootton Bassett 3 @ Collingbourne
Owen Sheppard 6.5-0-32-5 Collingbourne v Erlestoke
Jujhar Garcha 7-0-32-5 Bathford @ Collingbourne
Jujhar Garcha 6-0-40-5 Bathford @ Purton 2
Tom Stayt 9-0-65-5 Erlestoke v Westbury 2
Noel Braganza 4.5-2-6-4 Wanborough v Melksham
Gary Ings 9-5-7-4 Melksham v Biddestone 3
Adam Iles 5.1-1-9-4 Goatacre 3 @ Royal Wootton Bassett 3
Fraser Conway 6-2-11-4 Purton 2 v Melksham
Osmond Shallow 7.5-2-12-4 Westbury 2 @ Bathford
Joe Dunn 9-0-12-4 Purton 2 v Goatacre 3
Joe Dunn 7.1-2-15-4 Purton 2 @ Collingbourne
Joe Dunn 9-5-15-4 Purton 2 v Bathford
Joel Jones 9-4-15-4 Wanborough @ Biddestone 3
David Malley 7-0-20-4 Collingbourne v Biddestone 3
Chris Singh 9-2-20-4 Melksham v Collingbourne
Luke Stoneham 5.1-1-22-4 Goatacre 3 v Biddestone 3
Toby Dorgan 9-2-22-4 Erlestoke @ Royal Wootton Bassett 3
Fraser Conway 9-1-22-4 Purton 2 @ Bathford
Toby Dorgan 9-2-24-4 Erlestoke v Collingbourne
Natividade Fernandes 7-1-26-4 Wanborough @ Royal Wootton Bassett 3
Mark Mullis 7-1-26-4 Erlestoke v Goatacre 3
Darren Fisher 7-1-27-4 Royal Wootton Bassett 3 @ Melksham
Jack Footner 9-2-28-4 Melksham v Biddestone 3
Fraser Conway 9-0-30-4 Purton 2 @ Royal Wootton Bassett 3
Ian Penfold 9-2-33-4 Royal Wootton Bassett 3 v Purton 2
Chris Long 9-1-33-4 Melksham v Royal Wootton Bassett 3
Rahn Heer 6-1-34-4 Goatacre 3 v Collingbourne
Terry Evans 8.2-0-34-4 Erlestoke @ Collingbourne
Joe Dunn 6.3-0-38-4 Purton 2 v Erlestoke
Tari Dogra 8-0-38-4 Royal Wootton Bassett 3 v Purton 2
Mark Mullis 9-0-44-4 Erlestoke @ Westbury 2
Sam Mcqueen 9-0-44-4 Westbury 2 v Melksham
Stanley Vas 7.4-0-52-4 Wanborough @ Goatacre 3
Liam Foster 9-0-70-4 Erlestoke v Biddestone 3

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Name Figures Team Opponents
Tom Stayt 9-0-65-5 Erlestoke v Westbury 2
Fraser Conway 6-2-11-4 Purton 2 v Melksham
Stanley Vas 9-2-17-3 Wanborough v Bathford

Best Wicket Keeping

Name Team Catches Stumpings Total
Mike Barton Erlestoke 7 12 19
Karl Gingell Collingbourne 16 1 17
Joe Veacock Melksham 11 3 14
Ferdie Van Der Merwe Goatacre 3 6 3 9
George Penfold Wanborough 5 3 8
Aidan Wicks Westbury 2 6 2 8
Iwan Floyd Royal Wootton Bassett 3 7 7
Jack Clarke Purton 2 4 1 5

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Highest Team Scores

Score Overs Team Opponents
355-4 45 Melksham v Biddestone 3
347-3 45 Westbury 2 v Biddestone 3
343-5 45 Erlestoke v Westbury 2
332-5 35.4 Goatacre 3 v Erlestoke
322-2 45 Erlestoke v Goatacre 3
305-4 45 Westbury 2 v Goatacre 3
301-4 45 Westbury 2 v Bathford
299-8 45 Erlestoke v Melksham
298-6 45 Erlestoke v Biddestone 3
293-6 45 Wanborough v Bathford
290-7 45 Erlestoke v Bathford
289-5 45 Melksham v Royal Wootton Bassett 3
285-7 45 Purton 2 v Westbury 2
284-4 45 Erlestoke v Melksham
284-3 45 Erlestoke v Royal Wootton Bassett 3
283-7 45 Westbury 2 v Bathford
281-4 45 Wanborough v Collingbourne
275-7 45 Wanborough v Erlestoke
273-5 43.4 Wanborough v Goatacre 3
272-10 40.4 Goatacre 3 v Wanborough
271-7 45 Wanborough v Biddestone 3
270-10 43.3 Biddestone 3 v Erlestoke
265-8 45 Melksham v Westbury 2
264-6 45 Purton 2 v Goatacre 3
263-4 45 Royal Wootton Bassett 3 v Collingbourne
260-8 45 Royal Wootton Bassett 3 v Erlestoke
254-10 45 Westbury 2 v Collingbourne
253-8 45 Wanborough v Royal Wootton Bassett 3
252-6 45 Melksham v Purton 2
251-9 45 Purton 2 v Erlestoke
250-9 45 Biddestone 3 v Royal Wootton Bassett 3

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Lowest Team Scores

Score Overs Team Opponents
63-10 26.5 Melksham v Wanborough
68-10 18 Melksham v Purton 2
75-10 31.1 Collingbourne v Melksham
75-10 30.5 Biddestone 3 v Melksham
80-10 32.2 Bathford v Erlestoke
85-10 26.2 Collingbourne v Goatacre 3
86-10 35.5 Goatacre 3 v Purton 2
88-10 23 Biddestone 3 v Erlestoke
95-10 27.2 Royal Wootton Bassett 3 v Biddestone 3
103-10 32 Purton 2 v Wanborough
107-10 41.1 Bathford v Purton 2
110-10 32.2 Bathford v Wanborough
110-10 31 Biddestone 3 v Wanborough
111-10 23.2 Erlestoke v Westbury 2
112-10 41.4 Royal Wootton Bassett 3 v Biddestone 3
114-10 22 Collingbourne v Purton 2
115-10 34.4 Westbury 2 v Melksham
119-10 32.1 Collingbourne v Purton 2
119-10 38.1 Royal Wootton Bassett 3 v Goatacre 3
122-10 26.5 Goatacre 3 v Erlestoke
122-10 38.1 Biddestone 3 v Goatacre 3
124-7 45 Bathford v Wanborough

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