2018 Division 8

Team PlayedPld Won Lost Tied Canc'd /
Avebury 2 16 14 1 0 1 77 68 34 324
Chippenham 4 16 12 3 0 1 81 61 25 292
Marshfield 3 16 10 5 0 1 58 64 33 260
Swindon B 16 8 7 0 1 55 54 1 198
Calne 2 16 5 10 0 1 69 50 23 197
Corsham 4 16 6 7 0 3 62 48 -1 190
Westbury 3 16 6 9 0 1 71 33 -23 149
Goatacre 4 16 2 11 0 3 41 34 3 119
Bathford 2 16 2 12 0 2 34 22 13 105
Box 2 10 3 6 0 1 17 14 -30 39

45 overs. Batting Points 75-200. 1 umpire point available. Loan players not allowed.

Actions Required

Box need to log in to see pending messages.

Swindon need to log in to see pending messages.

Bathford need to log in to see pending messages.

Westbury need to log in to see pending messages.

Corsham need to log in to see pending messages.

Chippenham need to log in to see pending messages.

Marshfield need to log in to see pending messages.

Goatacre need to log in to see pending messages.

Calne need to log in to see pending messages.

Avebury need to log in to see pending messages.