Results in 2022 Division 5

Saturday 3rd September
Beckington 2 25 - 8 Wilcot Beckington 2 won by 8 wickets.
Buscot Park 21 - 6 Goatacre 3 Buscot Park won by 5 wickets.
Heytesbury & Sutton Veny 11 - 20 Avebury 2 Avebury 2 won by 124 runs.
Keevil 22 - 8 Purton 2 Keevil won by 74 runs.
Spye Park 10 - 21 Ramsbury Ramsbury won by 64 runs.
Saturday 27th August
Avebury 2 23 - 9 Buscot Park Avebury 2 won by 88 runs.
Goatacre 3 10 - 22 Keevil Keevil won by 87 runs.
Purton 2 23 - 6 Heytesbury & Sutton Veny Purton 2 won by 8 wickets.
Ramsbury 3 - 24 Beckington 2 Beckington 2 won by 8 wickets.
Wilcot 8 - 20 Spye Park Spye Park won by 2 wickets.
Saturday 20th August
Beckington 2 26 - 7 Avebury 2 Beckington 2 won by 9 wickets.
Buscot Park 9 - 23 Keevil Keevil won by 59 runs.
Heytesbury & Sutton Veny 23 - 6 Wilcot Heytesbury & Sutton Veny won by 161 runs.
Ramsbury 21 - 9 Purton 2 Ramsbury won by 79 runs.
Saturday 13th August
Avebury 2 26 - 6 Ramsbury Avebury 2 won by 9 wickets.
Goatacre 3 6 - 24 Heytesbury & Sutton Veny Heytesbury & Sutton Veny won by 105 runs.
Keevil 8 - 25 Spye Park Spye Park won by 7 wickets.
Purton 2 23 - 2 Beckington 2 Purton 2 won by 7 wickets.
Wilcot 7 - 23 Buscot Park Buscot Park won by 92 runs.
Saturday 6th August
Beckington 2 22 - 10 Goatacre 3 Beckington 2 won by 4 wickets.
Heytesbury & Sutton Veny 10 - 19 Keevil Keevil won by 43 runs.
Purton 2 22 - 6 Avebury 2 Purton 2 won by 6 wickets.
Ramsbury 9 - 22 Wilcot Wilcot won by 96 runs.
Spye Park 22 - 9 Buscot Park Spye Park won by 6 wickets.
Saturday 30th July
Buscot Park 6 - 27 Heytesbury & Sutton Veny Heytesbury & Sutton Veny won by 10 wickets.
Goatacre 3 8 - 24 Ramsbury Ramsbury won by 7 wickets.
Keevil 11 - 22 Beckington 2 Beckington 2 won by 59 runs.
Spye Park 22 - 11 Avebury 2 Spye Park won by 17 runs.
Wilcot 12 - 22 Purton 2 Purton 2 won by 44 runs.
Saturday 23rd July
Avebury 2 19 - 11 Wilcot Avebury 2 won by 5 runs.
Beckington 2 23 - 8 Buscot Park Beckington 2 won by 125 runs.
Heytesbury & Sutton Veny 9 - 22 Spye Park Spye Park won by 51 runs.
Purton 2 23 - 6 Goatacre 3 Purton 2 won by 7 wickets.
Ramsbury 9 - 22 Keevil Keevil won by 48 runs.
Saturday 16th July
Buscot Park 22 - -10 Ramsbury Buscot Park won by forfeit.
Goatacre 3 9 - 22 Avebury 2 Avebury 2 won by 60 runs.
Heytesbury & Sutton Veny 23 - 9 Beckington 2 Heytesbury & Sutton Veny won by 6 wickets.
Keevil 22 - 7 Wilcot Keevil won by 198 runs.
Spye Park 22 - 9 Purton 2 Spye Park won by 15 runs.
Saturday 9th July
Avebury 2 23 - 9 Keevil Avebury 2 won by 5 wickets.
Beckington 2 11 - 22 Spye Park Spye Park won by 56 runs.
Purton 2 25 - 7 Buscot Park Purton 2 won by 8 wickets.
Ramsbury 3 - 26 Heytesbury & Sutton Veny Heytesbury & Sutton Veny won by 10 wickets.
Wilcot 23 - 9 Goatacre 3 Wilcot won by 83 runs.
Saturday 2nd July
Avebury 2 22 - -10 Heytesbury & Sutton Veny Avebury 2 won by forfeit.
Goatacre 3 8 - 8 Buscot Park Match Cancelled.
Purton 2 9 - 9 Keevil Match Abandoned.
Ramsbury 11 - 9 Spye Park Match Abandoned.
Wilcot 6 - 24 Beckington 2 Beckington 2 won by 125 runs.
Saturday 25th June
Beckington 2 22 - -10 Ramsbury Beckington 2 won by forfeit.
Buscot Park 5 - 23 Avebury 2 Avebury 2 won by 7 wickets.
Heytesbury & Sutton Veny 9 - 22 Purton 2 Purton 2 won by 79 runs.
Keevil 24 - 7 Goatacre 3 Keevil won by 176 runs.
Spye Park 7 - 23 Wilcot Wilcot won by 95 runs.
Saturday 18th June
Avebury 2 23 - 8 Beckington 2 Avebury 2 won by 6 wickets.
Goatacre 3 24 - 6 Spye Park Goatacre 3 won by 95 runs.
Keevil 25 - 4 Buscot Park Keevil won by 190 runs.
Purton 2 20 - 8 Ramsbury Purton 2 won by 13 runs.
Wilcot 14 - 14 Heytesbury & Sutton Veny Match Abandoned.
Saturday 11th June
Beckington 2 9 - 20 Purton 2 Purton 2 won by 2 wickets.
Buscot Park 24 - 7 Wilcot Buscot Park won by 99 runs.
Heytesbury & Sutton Veny 23 - 4 Goatacre 3 Heytesbury & Sutton Veny won by 7 wickets.
Ramsbury 9 - 22 Avebury 2 Avebury 2 won by 38 runs.
Spye Park 22 - 10 Keevil Spye Park won by 46 runs.
Saturday 4th June
Avebury 2 4 - 23 Purton 2 Purton 2 won by 7 wickets.
Buscot Park 8 - 22 Spye Park Spye Park won by 6 wickets.
Goatacre 3 4 - 24 Beckington 2 Beckington 2 won by 8 wickets.
Keevil 9 - 20 Heytesbury & Sutton Veny Heytesbury & Sutton Veny won by 2 wickets.
Wilcot 20 - 7 Ramsbury Wilcot won by 43 runs.
Saturday 28th May
Avebury 2 22 - 7 Spye Park Avebury 2 won by 43 runs.
Beckington 2 8 - 24 Keevil Keevil won by 126 runs.
Heytesbury & Sutton Veny 20 - 11 Buscot Park Heytesbury & Sutton Veny won by 2 wickets.
Purton 2 24 - 5 Wilcot Purton 2 won by 8 wickets.
Ramsbury 22 - 3 Goatacre 3 Ramsbury won by 6 wickets.
Saturday 21st May
Buscot Park 22 - 8 Beckington 2 Buscot Park won by 65 runs.
Goatacre 3 0 - 25 Purton 2 Purton 2 won by 9 wickets.
Spye Park 7 - 22 Heytesbury & Sutton Veny Heytesbury & Sutton Veny won by 54 runs.
Wilcot 10 - 20 Avebury 2 Avebury 2 won by 2 runs.
Saturday 14th May
Avebury 2 19 - 9 Goatacre 3 Avebury 2 won by 3 wickets.
Beckington 2 7 - 22 Heytesbury & Sutton Veny Heytesbury & Sutton Veny won by 6 wickets.
Purton 2 6 - 26 Spye Park Spye Park won by 9 wickets.
Ramsbury 19 - 8 Buscot Park Ramsbury won by 1 wicket.
Wilcot 5 - 23 Keevil Keevil won by 7 wickets.
Saturday 7th May
Buscot Park 5 - 23 Purton 2 Purton 2 won by 7 wickets.
Goatacre 3 7 - 20 Wilcot Wilcot won by 1 wicket.
Heytesbury & Sutton Veny 23 - 6 Ramsbury Heytesbury & Sutton Veny won by 184 runs.
Keevil 21 - 11 Avebury 2 Keevil won by 9 runs.
Spye Park 21 - 10 Beckington 2 Spye Park won by 98 runs.
Saturday 30th April
Keevil 23 - 3 Ramsbury Keevil won by 7 wickets.
Spye Park 9 - 22 Goatacre 3 Goatacre 3 won by 45 runs.

Actions Required

Wilcot need to log in to see pending messages.

Purton need to log in to see pending messages.

Spye Park need to log in to see pending messages.

Beckington need to log in to see pending messages.

Goatacre need to log in to see pending messages.

Avebury need to log in to see pending messages.