2022 Division 4

Team PlayedPld Won Lost Tied Canc'd /
Wanborough 18 14 3 0 1 92 85 18 343
Melksham 18 12 6 0 0 96 97 18 331
Christian Malford 18 10 8 0 0 94 79 15 288
Hinton Charterhouse 2 18 9 9 0 0 81 85 18 274
Sherston Magna 18 9 8 0 1 78 71 18 262
Marlborough 2 18 7 10 0 1 94 55 18 245
Winsley 2 18 7 9 0 2 81 55 17 239
Corsham 3 18 9 8 0 1 75 54 10 227
Westbury 2 18 5 12 0 1 75 53 36 222
Wroughton Wranglers 18 4 13 0 1 57 46 9 160

45 overs. Batting Points 75-200. 1 umpire point available. Loan players not allowed.

Points in match between Corsham 3 and Westbury 2 changed due to Corsham 3 deliberately fielding ineligible players

Actions Required

Westbury need to log in to see pending messages.

Winsley need to log in to see pending messages.

Wanborough need to log in to see pending messages.

Corsham need to log in to see pending messages.

Melksham need to log in to see pending messages.

Marlborough need to log in to see pending messages.