Division Stats - 2024 Division 7

Most Runs in the Season

Name Team Runs Innings Not OutN.O. Average High ScoreH.S.
Justine Kuriakose Swindon Super Strikers 2 588 14 4 58.8 85*
Morgan Smith Potterne 4 576 5 3 288.0 245*
Michael Furniss Potterne 4 528 12 3 58.7 90*
Harminder Jagdey Royal Wootton Bassett 3 522 15 2 40.2 100
Matt Hunt Royal Wootton Bassett 3 495 9 2 70.7 156*
Clive Warren Box 2 491 13 0 37.8 160
Simon Richards Winsley 3 444 13 0 34.2 138
Kevin Evans Box 2 429 14 0 30.6 126
Ian Montague Winsley 3 414 15 7 51.8 101*
Rathi Mohapatra Royal Wootton Bassett 3 390 15 3 32.5 132
Neil Fawcett Potterne 4 369 9 0 41.0 114
Charlie Doel Calne 2 362 7 3 90.5 113
Sujithraj Somarajan Swindon Super Strikers 2 329 12 4 41.1 56
Guy Rawstorne Box 2 304 5 1 76.0 140*
Phil Barwell Calne 2 295 13 0 22.7 60
Darren Fisher Royal Wootton Bassett 3 270 9 2 38.6 59
Shawn Vithanage Royal Wootton Bassett 3 267 2 0 133.5 134
Nishanth Gopinath Swindon Super Strikers 2 266 13 2 24.2 70
Martin Tarr Potterne 4 263 11 3 32.9 69
Jayesh Kumar Swindon Super Strikers 2 260 13 1 21.7 65
Matthew Graham Bradford-on-Avon 2 255 3 0 85.0 150
John Sutton Calne 2 246 12 3 27.3 43
Jaice Joy Swindon Super Strikers 2 241 11 6 48.2 111*
Rob Green Calne 2 240 8 0 30.0 148
Matthew Harrington Bradford-on-Avon 2 230 7 1 38.3 56
Muhammed Sajid Farooq Royal Wootton Bassett 3 222 8 2 37.0 66
Frazer Morgan Winsley 3 215 11 1 21.5 86
Alex Huscroft Trowbridge 3 208 6 0 34.7 94
Luke Rich Box 2 200 12 2 20.0 72

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Highest Batting Average

Minimum: 200 Runs

Name Team Runs Innings Not OutN.O. Average High ScoreH.S.
Morgan Smith Potterne 4 576 5 3 288.0 245*
Shawn Vithanage Royal Wootton Bassett 3 267 2 0 133.5 134
Charlie Doel Calne 2 362 7 3 90.5 113
Matthew Graham Bradford-on-Avon 2 255 3 0 85.0 150
Guy Rawstorne Box 2 304 5 1 76.0 140*
Matt Hunt Royal Wootton Bassett 3 495 9 2 70.7 156*
Justine Kuriakose Swindon Super Strikers 2 588 14 4 58.8 85*
Michael Furniss Potterne 4 528 12 3 58.7 90*
Ian Montague Winsley 3 414 15 7 51.8 101*
Jaice Joy Swindon Super Strikers 2 241 11 6 48.2 111*
Sujithraj Somarajan Swindon Super Strikers 2 329 12 4 41.1 56
Neil Fawcett Potterne 4 369 9 0 41.0 114
Harminder Jagdey Royal Wootton Bassett 3 522 15 2 40.2 100
Darren Fisher Royal Wootton Bassett 3 270 9 2 38.6 59
Matthew Harrington Bradford-on-Avon 2 230 7 1 38.3 56
Clive Warren Box 2 491 13 0 37.8 160
Muhammed Sajid Farooq Royal Wootton Bassett 3 222 8 2 37.0 66
Alex Huscroft Trowbridge 3 208 6 0 34.7 94
Simon Richards Winsley 3 444 13 0 34.2 138
Martin Tarr Potterne 4 263 11 3 32.9 69
Rathi Mohapatra Royal Wootton Bassett 3 390 15 3 32.5 132
Kevin Evans Box 2 429 14 0 30.6 126
Rob Green Calne 2 240 8 0 30.0 148
John Sutton Calne 2 246 12 3 27.3 43
Nishanth Gopinath Swindon Super Strikers 2 266 13 2 24.2 70
Phil Barwell Calne 2 295 13 0 22.7 60
Jayesh Kumar Swindon Super Strikers 2 260 13 1 21.7 65
Frazer Morgan Winsley 3 215 11 1 21.5 86
Luke Rich Box 2 200 12 2 20.0 72

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Highest Scores

Name Score Team Opponents
Morgan Smith 245* Potterne 4 v Trowbridge 3
Clive Warren 160 Box 2 v Biddestone 3
Matt Hunt 156* Royal Wootton Bassett 3 v Bradford-on-Avon 2
Matthew Graham 150 Bradford-on-Avon 2 v Potterne 4
Rob Green 148 Calne 2 @ Trowbridge 3
Guy Rawstorne 140* Box 2 @ Bradford-on-Avon 2
Simon Richards 138 Winsley 3 @ Royal Wootton Bassett 3
Shawn Vithanage 134 Royal Wootton Bassett 3 v Marlborough 4
Shawn Vithanage 133 Royal Wootton Bassett 3 v Trowbridge 3
Rathi Mohapatra 132 Royal Wootton Bassett 3 @ Bradford-on-Avon 2
Kevin Evans 126 Box 2 @ Trowbridge 3
Freddie Sail 121* Bradford-on-Avon 2 @ Calne 2
William Oatley 118 Trowbridge 3 @ Royal Wootton Bassett 3
Neil Fawcett 114 Potterne 4 v Trowbridge 3
Charlie Doel 113 Calne 2 @ Box 2
Morgan Smith 112* Potterne 4 @ Bradford-on-Avon 2
Jaice Joy 111* Swindon Super Strikers 2 @ Marlborough 4
Martin Tarr 110 Trowbridge 3 v Royal Wootton Bassett 3
Rory Unwin 109* Winsley 3 v Biddestone 3
Morgan Smith 103 Potterne 4 @ Royal Wootton Bassett 3
Charlie Doel 101* Calne 2 @ Trowbridge 3
Ian Montague 101* Winsley 3 v Biddestone 3
Harminder Jagdey 100 Royal Wootton Bassett 3 @ Marlborough 4
Alistair Goddard 98 Trowbridge 3 v Potterne 4
Harminder Jagdey 95* Royal Wootton Bassett 3 v Calne 2
Alex Huscroft 94 Trowbridge 3 @ Box 2
Matt Hunt 93 Royal Wootton Bassett 3 v Marlborough 4
Vish Naik 92 Trowbridge 3 v Marlborough 4
Michael Furniss 90* Potterne 4 @ Bradford-on-Avon 2
Michael Furniss 89 Potterne 4 v Winsley 3
Richard Binks 87* Potterne 4 @ Box 2
Frazer Morgan 86 Winsley 3 @ Calne 2
Matt Hunt 86 Royal Wootton Bassett 3 @ Marlborough 4
Justine Kuriakose 85* Swindon Super Strikers 2 @ Box 2
James Edwards 84* Bradford-on-Avon 2 @ Marlborough 4
Justine Kuriakose 83* Swindon Super Strikers 2 v Marlborough 4
Kevin Evans 79 Box 2 v Trowbridge 3
Michael Furniss 77 Potterne 4 v Royal Wootton Bassett 3
Harminder Jagdey 77 Royal Wootton Bassett 3 @ Calne 2
Alex Hoskins 77 Potterne 4 @ Royal Wootton Bassett 3
Luke Rich 72 Box 2 @ Calne 2
Neil Fawcett 71 Potterne 4 v Marlborough 4
Neil Fawcett 71 Potterne 4 v Biddestone 3
Morgan Smith 70* Potterne 4 v Calne 2
Nishanth Gopinath 70 Swindon Super Strikers 2 @ Calne 2
Jodie Bounds 69 Royal Wootton Bassett 3 @ Potterne 4
Martin Tarr 69 Potterne 4 @ Winsley 3
Justine Kuriakose 69 Swindon Super Strikers 2 @ Royal Wootton Bassett 3
Matthew Graham 69 Bradford-on-Avon 2 v Winsley 3
Clive Warren 68 Box 2 @ Calne 2
Muhammed Sajid Farooq 66 Royal Wootton Bassett 3 v Potterne 4
Jayesh Kumar 65 Swindon Super Strikers 2 v Calne 2
Nikhil Dutta 64* Marlborough 4 v Swindon Super Strikers 2
Ian Montague 64* Winsley 3 v Calne 2
Samuel Liles 64 Calne 2 v Bradford-on-Avon 2
Michael Furniss 61* Potterne 4 @ Marlborough 4
Michael Furniss 61 Potterne 4 @ Winsley 3
Charlie Doel 60* Calne 2 @ Royal Wootton Bassett 3
Clive Warren 60 Box 2 @ Royal Wootton Bassett 3
Phil Barwell 60 Calne 2 v Trowbridge 3
Muhammed Sajid Farooq 59* Royal Wootton Bassett 3 @ Marlborough 4
Kevin Evans 59 Box 2 v Calne 2
Darren Fisher 59 Royal Wootton Bassett 3 v Bradford-on-Avon 2
Harshi Balusu 58* Royal Wootton Bassett 3 v Marlborough 4
Lewis Green 58 Bradford-on-Avon 2 v Trowbridge 3
Jaice Joy 58 Swindon Super Strikers 2 v Calne 2
Steve Rendell 57* Bradford-on-Avon 2 @ Calne 2
Ben Sutton 57* Calne 2 v Royal Wootton Bassett 3
Justine Kuriakose 57* Swindon Super Strikers 2 @ Bradford-on-Avon 2
Simon Richards 57 Winsley 3 @ Bradford-on-Avon 2
G Bartlett 57 Box 2 v Biddestone 3
Guy Rawstorne 57 Box 2 v Royal Wootton Bassett 3
Srinivas Panguluri 56 Marlborough 4 v Bradford-on-Avon 2
Clive Warren 56 Box 2 v Potterne 4
Sujithraj Somarajan 56 Swindon Super Strikers 2 @ Calne 2
Matthew Harrington 56 Bradford-on-Avon 2 v Royal Wootton Bassett 3
Niloy Saha 56 Marlborough 4 v Royal Wootton Bassett 3
Gavin Smith 56 Box 2 v Biddestone 3
Rich Bowater 55* Bradford-on-Avon 2 @ Royal Wootton Bassett 3
Olli Brown 55 Trowbridge 3 @ Swindon Super Strikers 2
Sujithraj Somarajan 55 Swindon Super Strikers 2 @ Winsley 3
Andy Fenton 55 Winsley 3 @ Trowbridge 3
Sujithraj Somarajan 55 Swindon Super Strikers 2 @ Biddestone 3
Darren Fisher 54* Royal Wootton Bassett 3 v Trowbridge 3
Sujithraj Somarajan 54* Swindon Super Strikers 2 v Winsley 3
Alex Hoskins 54* Potterne 4 v Biddestone 3
G Bartlett 54* Box 2 @ Bradford-on-Avon 2
Vinoth Kumar 54 Marlborough 4 @ Bradford-on-Avon 2
Charlie Doel 53* Calne 2 @ Marlborough 4
Ravi Samant 53* Royal Wootton Bassett 3 v Box 2
Charlie Moyser 53 Winsley 3 v Bradford-on-Avon 2
Michael Furniss 53 Potterne 4 v Marlborough 4
Roju Joseph 53 Swindon Super Strikers 2 v Box 2
Matt Hunt 53 Royal Wootton Bassett 3 v Trowbridge 3
Justine Kuriakose 53 Swindon Super Strikers 2 v Calne 2
Harminder Jagdey 53 Royal Wootton Bassett 3 @ Box 2
Ian Montague 52* Winsley 3 @ Marlborough 4
Justine Kuriakose 52 Swindon Super Strikers 2 v Trowbridge 3
Matt Hunt 52 Royal Wootton Bassett 3 v Swindon Super Strikers 2
Simon Richards 52 Winsley 3 @ Box 2
Ashok Priyadarshi 52 Marlborough 4 v Swindon Super Strikers 2
Harminder Jagdey 51 Royal Wootton Bassett 3 v Potterne 4
Martin Tarr 50 Potterne 4 @ Bradford-on-Avon 2
Frazer Morgan 50 Winsley 3 @ Royal Wootton Bassett 3
Harry Douglas 50 Biddestone 3 @ Potterne 4

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Most Wickets in the Season

Name Team WicketsWkt Figures Ave Eco SR
Ian Montague Winsley 3 31 115.4-7-414-31 13.35 3.58 22.39
Rathi Mohapatra Royal Wootton Bassett 3 30 97.5-12-446-30 14.87 4.56 19.57
Alfie Doran Potterne 4 25 92.3-21-296-25 11.84 3.20 22.20
Sujithraj Somarajan Swindon Super Strikers 2 25 102.1-16-337-25 13.48 3.30 24.52
Holly Evans Royal Wootton Bassett 3 25 112-18-420-25 16.80 3.75 26.88
John Sutton Calne 2 24 87.4-13-313-24 13.04 3.57 21.92
Nathan Clinch Royal Wootton Bassett 3 23 121.2-23-410-23 17.83 3.38 31.65
Michael Furniss Potterne 4 21 61.2-9-258-21 12.29 4.21 17.52
Luke Rich Box 2 19 50-1-260-19 13.68 5.20 15.79
Graham Booth Trowbridge 3 19 86.3-12-402-19 21.16 4.65 27.32
Gareth Powell Calne 2 18 106-10-401-18 22.28 3.78 35.33
Govind Pahariya Marlborough 4 18 102-20-411-18 22.83 4.03 34.00
Reuben Harrington Bradford-on-Avon 2 17 55.5-4-242-17 14.24 4.33 19.71
Harriett Jones Calne 2 14 27.2-3-117-14 8.36 4.28 11.71
Frazer Morgan Winsley 3 14 47-4-213-14 15.21 4.53 20.14
Kevin Evans Box 2 14 64.3-14-221-14 15.79 3.43 27.64
Chris Edes Calne 2 14 51.2-3-228-14 16.29 4.44 22.00
Chris Mann Winsley 3 14 78-13-263-14 18.79 3.37 33.43
Liam Shadwell Potterne 4 13 67-9-261-13 20.08 3.90 30.92
Aswin Harish Swindon Super Strikers 2 13 89-25-270-13 20.77 3.03 41.08
Tim Richards Potterne 4 13 69-13-279-13 21.46 4.04 31.85
Harry Vooght Bradford-on-Avon 2 12 35.3-2-170-12 14.17 4.79 17.75
Rory Unwin Winsley 3 12 48.5-8-217-12 18.08 4.44 24.42
Elona Hutchins Potterne 4 12 72-8-289-12 24.08 4.01 36.00
Anirudh Khandal Marlborough 4 12 60.3-0-348-12 29.00 5.75 30.25
Ethan Pugh Winsley 3 11 24-0-98-11 8.91 4.08 13.09
Martin Varghese Swindon Super Strikers 2 11 50-10-187-11 17.00 3.74 27.27
Vineeth Kumar Swindon Super Strikers 2 10 39.5-8-89-10 8.90 2.23 23.90
Steve Rendell Bradford-on-Avon 2 10 39.4-6-163-10 16.30 4.11 23.80
Harminder Jagdey Royal Wootton Bassett 3 10 66.4-15-187-10 18.70 2.81 40.00
Matthew Harrington Bradford-on-Avon 2 10 60-15-188-10 18.80 3.13 36.00

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Best Bowling Average

Minimum 50 overs

Name Team Average Figures Eco SR
Alfie Doran Potterne 4 11.84 92.3-21-296-25 3.20 22.20
Michael Furniss Potterne 4 12.29 61.2-9-258-21 4.21 17.52
John Sutton Calne 2 13.04 87.4-13-313-24 3.57 21.92
Ian Montague Winsley 3 13.35 115.4-7-414-31 3.58 22.39
Sujithraj Somarajan Swindon Super Strikers 2 13.48 102.1-16-337-25 3.30 24.52
Luke Rich Box 2 13.68 50-1-260-19 5.20 15.79
Reuben Harrington Bradford-on-Avon 2 14.24 55.5-4-242-17 4.33 19.71
Rathi Mohapatra Royal Wootton Bassett 3 14.87 97.5-12-446-30 4.56 19.57
Kevin Evans Box 2 15.79 64.3-14-221-14 3.43 27.64
Chris Edes Calne 2 16.29 51.2-3-228-14 4.44 22.00
Holly Evans Royal Wootton Bassett 3 16.80 112-18-420-25 3.75 26.88
Martin Varghese Swindon Super Strikers 2 17.00 50-10-187-11 3.74 27.27
Nathan Clinch Royal Wootton Bassett 3 17.83 121.2-23-410-23 3.38 31.65
Harminder Jagdey Royal Wootton Bassett 3 18.70 66.4-15-187-10 2.81 40.00
Chris Mann Winsley 3 18.79 78-13-263-14 3.37 33.43
Matthew Harrington Bradford-on-Avon 2 18.80 60-15-188-10 3.13 36.00
Manoj Raju Swindon Super Strikers 2 19.44 59-12-175-9 2.97 39.33

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Best Bowling Economy

Minimum 50 overs

Name Team Economy Figures Ave SR
Jaice Joy Swindon Super Strikers 2 2.68 55.1-12-148-7 21.14 47.29
Harminder Jagdey Royal Wootton Bassett 3 2.81 66.4-15-187-10 18.70 40.00
Manoj Raju Swindon Super Strikers 2 2.97 59-12-175-9 19.44 39.33
Kevin Dolman Box 2 3.00 54-10-162-5 32.40 64.80
Aswin Harish Swindon Super Strikers 2 3.03 89-25-270-13 20.77 41.08
Matthew Harrington Bradford-on-Avon 2 3.13 60-15-188-10 18.80 36.00
Alfie Doran Potterne 4 3.20 92.3-21-296-25 11.84 22.20
Sujithraj Somarajan Swindon Super Strikers 2 3.30 102.1-16-337-25 13.48 24.52
Chris Mann Winsley 3 3.37 78-13-263-14 18.79 33.43
Nathan Clinch Royal Wootton Bassett 3 3.38 121.2-23-410-23 17.83 31.65
Kevin Evans Box 2 3.43 64.3-14-221-14 15.79 27.64
John Sutton Calne 2 3.57 87.4-13-313-24 13.04 21.92
Ian Montague Winsley 3 3.58 115.4-7-414-31 13.35 22.39
Martin Varghese Swindon Super Strikers 2 3.74 50-10-187-11 17.00 27.27
Holly Evans Royal Wootton Bassett 3 3.75 112-18-420-25 16.80 26.88
Gareth Powell Calne 2 3.78 106-10-401-18 22.28 35.33
Liam Shadwell Potterne 4 3.90 67-9-261-13 20.08 30.92

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Best Bowling Figures

Name Figures Team Opponents
Vineeth Kumar 6.5-3-7-6 Swindon Super Strikers 2 @ Trowbridge 3
Harriett Jones 7.2-0-14-6 Calne 2 v Royal Wootton Bassett 3
Sujithraj Somarajan 9-3-21-6 Swindon Super Strikers 2 @ Winsley 3
Rathi Mohapatra 9-0-42-6 Royal Wootton Bassett 3 @ Box 2
Govind Pahariya 9-1-52-6 Marlborough 4 v Swindon Super Strikers 2
Simon Ryan 9-3-6-5 Bradford-on-Avon 2 @ Biddestone 3
Gareth Powell 7-2-7-5 Calne 2 @ Trowbridge 3
Sujithraj Somarajan 8.1-4-7-5 Swindon Super Strikers 2 @ Biddestone 3
Ismail Hanif 7-2-8-5 Royal Wootton Bassett 3 @ Marlborough 4
Harshi Balusu 7-0-14-5 Royal Wootton Bassett 3 v Marlborough 4
Craig McCrum 9-3-14-5 Biddestone 3 v Box 2
Alex Cole 6-2-15-5 Trowbridge 3 v Potterne 4
Chris Mann 9-1-18-5 Winsley 3 @ Box 2
Steve Rendell 9-4-20-5 Bradford-on-Avon 2 v Trowbridge 3
Dean Bird 9-1-20-5 Bradford-on-Avon 2 @ Winsley 3
Alfie Doran 6.2-2-21-5 Potterne 4 v Trowbridge 3
Ethan Pugh 6-0-25-5 Winsley 3 v Trowbridge 3
Roger Neeranjan 6-0-36-5 Calne 2 v Trowbridge 3
Joji Krishnan 9-0-38-5 Box 2 @ Trowbridge 3
Frazer Morgan 4-0-5-4 Winsley 3 v Trowbridge 3
Kevin Evans 7-3-11-4 Box 2 v Biddestone 3
Matthew Harrington 9-1-11-4 Bradford-on-Avon 2 v Marlborough 4
James Still 6-0-18-4 Biddestone 3 v Box 2
John Sutton 8-2-21-4 Calne 2 @ Marlborough 4
Reuben Harrington 8-1-21-4 Bradford-on-Avon 2 @ Box 2
Michael Furniss 9-3-21-4 Potterne 4 v Marlborough 4
Louie Parks 6.3-0-22-4 Trowbridge 3 v Marlborough 4
Alfie Doran 9-2-22-4 Potterne 4 @ Box 2
Ian Montague 9-2-22-4 Winsley 3 @ Trowbridge 3
Nathan Clinch 9-2-22-4 Royal Wootton Bassett 3 v Bradford-on-Avon 2
Michael Furniss 7.3-1-25-4 Potterne 4 v Winsley 3
Paul hiscock 3-0-27-4 Calne 2 v Swindon Super Strikers 2
Harry Vooght 6.5-0-27-4 Bradford-on-Avon 2 @ Swindon Super Strikers 2
Holly Evans 9-1-28-4 Royal Wootton Bassett 3 @ Trowbridge 3
Graham Booth 7.3-3-29-4 Trowbridge 3 @ Bradford-on-Avon 2
Rathi Mohapatra 7.4-1-30-4 Royal Wootton Bassett 3 v Trowbridge 3
Rathi Mohapatra 8.1-0-30-4 Marlborough 4 v Winsley 3
Martin Varghese 9-1-30-4 Swindon Super Strikers 2 @ Bradford-on-Avon 2
John Sutton 9-1-31-4 Calne 2 v Royal Wootton Bassett 3
Luke Rich 8.3-1-32-4 Box 2 v Biddestone 3
Reuben Harrington 9-1-33-4 Bradford-on-Avon 2 v Winsley 3
Arlo Le Quesne 8-0-36-4 Box 2 v Royal Wootton Bassett 3
Michael Furniss 9.1-2-36-4 Potterne 4 @ Royal Wootton Bassett 3
Ian Montague 9-2-38-4 Winsley 3 v Swindon Super Strikers 2
Ian Montague 9-0-44-4 Winsley 3 @ Potterne 4
Graham Booth 9-0-56-4 Trowbridge 3 @ Box 2
Reuben Simms 8-0-75-4 Bradford-on-Avon 2 @ Royal Wootton Bassett 3
Rathi Mohapatra 9-0-78-4 Royal Wootton Bassett 3 v Winsley 3

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Name Figures Team Opponents
John Sutton 2.4-0-10-3 Calne 2 @ Bradford-on-Avon 2