Division Stats - 2024 Division 6

Most Runs in the Season

Name Team Runs Innings Not OutN.O. Average High ScoreH.S.
Dave Bott Blunsdon 621 8 2 103.5 132*
Manoj Perera Shrivenham 562 16 0 35.1 94
Sairam Bondili Swindon Titans 460 17 0 27.1 84
Vital Guntaka Swindon Titans 448 16 2 32.0 75
Joe Swain Lacock 425 17 4 32.7 81*
Raghuveer Tupurani Nationwide House 2 419 14 2 34.9 68
Thomas Allatt Goatacre 3 382 14 1 29.4 90*
Daniel Williams Goatacre 3 381 14 0 27.2 80
Matt Haywood Shrivenham 367 11 2 40.8 86
Justin Yearwood Shrivenham 361 14 5 40.1 75*
Harry Roke Blunsdon 360 13 0 27.7 110
Thisara Gedera Shrivenham 349 12 3 38.8 143*
Simon Carr Shrivenham 337 10 1 37.4 79
Ash Baden Nationwide House 2 334 11 0 30.4 70
Sai Pratap Reddy Pagadi Swindon Titans 328 17 3 23.4 53*
Nathan Dunford Chippenham 4 327 14 2 27.3 100
Adam Brunton Bathford 320 10 0 32.0 107
Khurram Javed Swindon 4 287 4 0 71.8 111
Timothy Dunford Chippenham 4 276 10 1 30.7 102*
Syed Raza Swindon 4 266 14 0 19.0 44
Ravi Teja Rayudu Swindon Titans 263 11 2 29.2 85
Adam Iles Goatacre 3 253 10 2 31.6 84
Steve Jones Marlborough 3 253 11 0 23.0 52
Veeranjaneyulu Thota Swindon Titans 251 10 4 41.8 82*
Chamod Chamod Swindon 4 247 2 1 247.0 135*
Mitch Dodson Blunsdon 247 11 0 22.5 79
Alistair Duffield Bathford 245 9 0 27.2 108
Shaun Dodson Blunsdon 237 11 2 26.3 58
Sam Thomas Lacock 233 11 2 25.9 60
Arul Ramasamy Blunsdon 224 12 2 22.4 50*
Ramiz Khan Swindon Titans 222 8 1 31.7 71
Andrew Murray Bathford 215 14 1 16.5 57*
Pete Miles Bathford 212 12 0 17.7 44
Jeremiah Francis Shrivenham 209 8 2 34.8 75
Prashanta Acharya Swindon Titans 202 7 2 40.4 54
Joe Foley Lacock 200 16 0 12.5 38

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Highest Batting Average

Minimum: 200 Runs

Name Team Runs Innings Not OutN.O. Average High ScoreH.S.
Chamod Chamod Swindon 4 247 2 1 247.0 135*
Dave Bott Blunsdon 621 8 2 103.5 132*
Khurram Javed Swindon 4 287 4 0 71.8 111
Veeranjaneyulu Thota Swindon Titans 251 10 4 41.8 82*
Matt Haywood Shrivenham 367 11 2 40.8 86
Prashanta Acharya Swindon Titans 202 7 2 40.4 54
Justin Yearwood Shrivenham 361 14 5 40.1 75*
Thisara Gedera Shrivenham 349 12 3 38.8 143*
Simon Carr Shrivenham 337 10 1 37.4 79
Manoj Perera Shrivenham 562 16 0 35.1 94
Raghuveer Tupurani Nationwide House 2 419 14 2 34.9 68
Jeremiah Francis Shrivenham 209 8 2 34.8 75
Joe Swain Lacock 425 17 4 32.7 81*
Vital Guntaka Swindon Titans 448 16 2 32.0 75
Adam Brunton Bathford 320 10 0 32.0 107
Ramiz Khan Swindon Titans 222 8 1 31.7 71
Adam Iles Goatacre 3 253 10 2 31.6 84
Timothy Dunford Chippenham 4 276 10 1 30.7 102*
Ash Baden Nationwide House 2 334 11 0 30.4 70
Thomas Allatt Goatacre 3 382 14 1 29.4 90*
Ravi Teja Rayudu Swindon Titans 263 11 2 29.2 85
Harry Roke Blunsdon 360 13 0 27.7 110
Nathan Dunford Chippenham 4 327 14 2 27.3 100
Daniel Williams Goatacre 3 381 14 0 27.2 80
Alistair Duffield Bathford 245 9 0 27.2 108
Sairam Bondili Swindon Titans 460 17 0 27.1 84
Shaun Dodson Blunsdon 237 11 2 26.3 58
Sam Thomas Lacock 233 11 2 25.9 60
Sai Pratap Reddy Pagadi Swindon Titans 328 17 3 23.4 53*
Steve Jones Marlborough 3 253 11 0 23.0 52
Mitch Dodson Blunsdon 247 11 0 22.5 79
Arul Ramasamy Blunsdon 224 12 2 22.4 50*

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Highest Scores

Name Score Team Opponents
Thisara Gedera 143* Shrivenham v Nationwide House 2
Chamod Chamod 135* Swindon 4 @ Chippenham 4
Dave Bott 132* Blunsdon @ Chippenham 4
Deon Wardley 128* Lacock v Shrivenham
Thomas Wickens 115 Goatacre 3 v Bathford
Chamod Chamod 112 Swindon 4 v Swindon Titans
Khurram Javed 111 Swindon 4 @ Blunsdon
Harry Roke 110 Blunsdon @ Goatacre 3
Alistair Duffield 108 Bathford @ Blunsdon
Adam Brunton 107 Bathford v Goatacre 3
Harvey Goring 105* Goatacre 3 v Marlborough 3
Timothy Dunford 102* Chippenham 4 v Marlborough 3
Nathan Dunford 100 Chippenham 4 v Blunsdon
Dave Bott 98* Blunsdon v Swindon 4
David Clark 96 Chippenham 4 v Swindon 4
Dave Bott 94 Blunsdon @ Swindon Titans
Manoj Perera 94 Shrivenham @ Lacock
Manoj Perera 92 Shrivenham @ Chippenham 4
Dave Bott 92 Blunsdon @ Marlborough 3
Dave Bott 91 Blunsdon @ Swindon 4
Thomas Allatt 90* Goatacre 3 v Nationwide House 2
Dave Bott 90 Blunsdon v Shrivenham
Matt Haywood 86 Shrivenham @ Nationwide House 2
Ravi Teja Rayudu 85 Swindon Titans v Bathford
Adam Iles 84 Goatacre 3 v Swindon 4
Sairam Bondili 84 Swindon Titans @ Shrivenham
Veeranjaneyulu Thota 82* Swindon Titans v Lacock
Joe Swain 81* Lacock v Swindon 4
Daniel Williams 80 Goatacre 3 @ Bathford
Simon Carr 79 Shrivenham v Bathford
Jonathan Helps 79 Lacock @ Bathford
Mitch Dodson 79 Blunsdon v Chippenham 4
Derek Lee 76 Bathford @ Marlborough 3
Justin Yearwood 75* Shrivenham @ Swindon 4
Vital Guntaka 75 Swindon Titans @ Nationwide House 2
Jeremiah Francis 75 Shrivenham v Bathford
Veeranjaneyulu Thota 74 Swindon Titans v Swindon 4
Guy Thomas 73 Chippenham 4 @ Lacock
Matt Haywood 71 Shrivenham @ Goatacre 3
Khurram Javed 71 Swindon 4 v Goatacre 3
Ramiz Khan 71 Swindon Titans @ Nationwide House 2
Alan Griffin 71 Goatacre 3 v Nationwide House 2
Ash Baden 70 Nationwide House 2 @ Lacock
Rob Atkinson 70 Marlborough 3 v Lacock
Ash Baden 69 Nationwide House 2 @ Swindon 4
Jed Gedera 69 Shrivenham @ Swindon 4
Ramiz Khan 69 Swindon Titans v Marlborough 3
Richard Ingram 68* Lacock v Blunsdon
Raghuveer Tupurani 68 Nationwide House 2 v Marlborough 3
Sairam Bondili 67 Swindon Titans @ Chippenham 4
Joe Smedley 66* Goatacre 3 @ Bathford
Khurram Javed 66 Swindon 4 @ Swindon Titans
Raghuveer Tupurani 66 Nationwide House 2 @ Chippenham 4
Rhys Williams 64 Bathford @ Goatacre 3
Ash Baden 63 Nationwide House 2 @ Shrivenham
Rakesh Donthi 62* Swindon Titans v Bathford
Thomas Allatt 62 Goatacre 3 v Shrivenham
Abhi Sharma 62 Nationwide House 2 @ Bathford
Harvey Goring 62 Goatacre 3 @ Lacock
Vital Guntaka 61* Swindon Titans @ Lacock
Daniel Williams 61 Goatacre 3 v Swindon 4
Sam Thomas 60 Lacock @ Swindon Titans
Vital Guntaka 59 Swindon Titans v Lacock
Justin Yearwood 59 Shrivenham @ Bathford
Shaun Dodson 58 Blunsdon @ Bathford
Joe Swain 57* Lacock v Marlborough 3
Andrew Murray 57* Bathford v Goatacre 3
Nathan Dunford 57 Chippenham 4 v Swindon 4
Akshay Ganesh 55* Nationwide House 2 @ Lacock
Aaryan Mohanta 55* Swindon 4 @ Nationwide House 2
Manoj Perera 55 Shrivenham @ Blunsdon
Sairam Bondili 55 Swindon Titans @ Bathford
Shubham Marathe 55 Swindon 4 v Blunsdon
Thisara Gedera 54* Shrivenham v Swindon 4
Prashanta Acharya 54 Swindon Titans v Chippenham 4
Prashanta Acharya 54 Swindon Titans v Nationwide House 2
Sai Pratap Reddy Pagadi 53* Swindon Titans v Blunsdon
Deepak Singh Aithani 53 Nationwide House 2 v Lacock
Sai Pratap Reddy Pagadi 53 Swindon Titans v Swindon 4
Simon Carr 52 Shrivenham @ Marlborough 3
Vital Guntaka 52 Swindon Titans v Goatacre 3
Sairam Bondili 52 Swindon Titans v Chippenham 4
Steve Jones 52 Marlborough 3 v Bathford
Justin Yearwood 51* Shrivenham v Bathford
Bhaskar Siriki 51* Swindon Titans @ Swindon 4
Joe Swain 51 Lacock v Chippenham 4
Andrew Murray 51 Bathford v Nationwide House 2
Arul Ramasamy 50* Blunsdon @ Chippenham 4
Rakesh Donthi 50* Swindon Titans @ Goatacre 3
Adam Brunton 50 Bathford @ Lacock
Raghuveer Tupurani 50 Nationwide House 2 @ Swindon 4
Jamal Khan 50 Swindon 4 @ Swindon Titans
Adam Woods 50 Shrivenham @ Nationwide House 2
Jed Gedera 50 Shrivenham @ Lacock
Simon Carr 50 Shrivenham @ Swindon 4
Nick Marshall 50 Bathford @ Goatacre 3
Ravinder Singh 50 Swindon Titans @ Chippenham 4

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Most Wickets in the Season

Name Team WicketsWkt Figures Ave Eco SR
Rakesh Donthi Swindon Titans 50 123.3-20-359-50 7.18 2.91 14.82
Manoj Perera Shrivenham 34 132-21-410-34 12.06 3.11 23.29
Naveed Akram Shrivenham 30 123.2-21-393-30 13.10 3.19 24.67
Simon Notman Goatacre 3 27 131.1-20-478-27 17.70 3.64 29.15
Matt Harding Lacock 26 129.1-19-428-26 16.46 3.31 29.81
Harry Roke Blunsdon 26 103-3-570-26 21.92 5.53 23.77
Phil Jones Blunsdon 24 108-13-368-24 15.33 3.41 27.00
Arul Ramasamy Blunsdon 24 101.5-13-369-24 15.38 3.62 25.46
Adam Brunton Bathford 23 69.3-11-207-23 9.00 2.98 18.13
Barinder Negi Swindon Titans 23 125.1-16-410-23 17.83 3.28 32.65
Alex Gifford Lacock 22 99-15-358-22 16.27 3.62 27.00
Satish Kasireddy Chippenham 4 21 97.3-21-251-21 11.95 2.57 27.86
Andrew Murray Bathford 21 66-8-338-21 16.10 5.12 18.86
Raghuveer Tupurani Nationwide House 2 21 87-4-393-21 18.71 4.52 24.86
Syed Raza Swindon 4 20 65.3-7-292-20 14.60 4.46 19.65
Matt Haywood Shrivenham 19 73-8-288-19 15.16 3.95 23.05
Adam Iles Goatacre 3 19 97.2-17-291-19 15.32 2.99 30.74
James Harding Lacock 19 81.5-6-402-19 21.16 4.91 25.84
Sam Thomas Lacock 18 56.5-8-229-18 12.72 4.03 18.94
Harish Kumar Blunsdon 18 99-16-334-18 18.56 3.37 33.00
Veeranjaneyulu Thota Swindon Titans 17 63.1-11-201-17 11.82 3.18 22.29
Inderjeet Singh Marlborough 3 16 89.4-7-390-16 24.38 4.35 33.63
Tom Swain Lacock 16 81-7-432-16 27.00 5.33 30.38
Jeremiah Francis Shrivenham 15 34.4-2-172-15 11.47 4.96 13.87
Tom Andrews Goatacre 3 15 59-10-206-15 13.73 3.49 23.60
Chandan Vaishnav Marlborough 3 15 62.4-8-237-15 15.80 3.78 25.07
Andrew Mildenhall Nationwide House 2 15 68-7-264-15 17.60 3.88 27.20
Charlie Jewell Marlborough 3 15 106-15-436-15 29.07 4.11 42.40
Matt Hunt Bathford 14 86.3-18-299-14 21.36 3.46 37.07
Peter Coombs Bathford 14 83.5-17-318-14 22.71 3.79 35.93
Nitish Acharya Nationwide House 2 14 80.4-7-322-14 23.00 3.99 34.57
Ravi Teja Rayudu Swindon Titans 14 84-4-369-14 26.36 4.39 36.00
Tom Kember Bathford 13 78-5-340-13 26.15 4.36 36.00
Joe Duffield Bathford 12 51.3-10-138-12 11.50 2.68 25.75
Ravinder Singh Swindon Titans 12 71-11-248-12 20.67 3.49 35.50
Jacob Box Goatacre 3 12 57.1-5-305-12 25.42 5.34 28.58
Tom Caine Lacock 12 67.5-4-324-12 27.00 4.78 33.92
Alistair Duffield Bathford 11 40-8-170-11 15.45 4.25 21.82
Emily Smith Chippenham 4 11 55-6-207-11 18.82 3.76 30.00
Chris Barrow Chippenham 4 11 48.3-3-217-11 19.73 4.47 26.45
Shreyash Solankure Swindon 4 11 57-4-229-11 20.82 4.02 31.09
Shashwat Srivastava Nationwide House 2 11 73-8-264-11 24.00 3.62 39.82
Zahid Hasan Nationwide House 2 11 69-7-325-11 29.55 4.71 37.64
Craig Zulch Shrivenham 10 43-2-189-10 18.90 4.40 25.80
Thomas Allatt Goatacre 3 10 48.2-4-203-10 20.30 4.20 29.00
Nic Savaraman Shrivenham 10 58.1-5-246-10 24.60 4.23 34.90
Suresh Babu Kuramboyina Swindon Titans 10 71-12-270-10 27.00 3.80 42.60

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Best Bowling Average

Minimum 50 overs

Name Team Average Figures Eco SR
Rakesh Donthi Swindon Titans 7.18 123.3-20-359-50 2.91 14.82
Adam Brunton Bathford 9.00 69.3-11-207-23 2.98 18.13
Joe Duffield Bathford 11.50 51.3-10-138-12 2.68 25.75
Veeranjaneyulu Thota Swindon Titans 11.82 63.1-11-201-17 3.18 22.29
Satish Kasireddy Chippenham 4 11.95 97.3-21-251-21 2.57 27.86
Manoj Perera Shrivenham 12.06 132-21-410-34 3.11 23.29
Sam Thomas Lacock 12.72 56.5-8-229-18 4.03 18.94
Naveed Akram Shrivenham 13.10 123.2-21-393-30 3.19 24.67
Tom Andrews Goatacre 3 13.73 59-10-206-15 3.49 23.60
Syed Raza Swindon 4 14.60 65.3-7-292-20 4.46 19.65
Matt Haywood Shrivenham 15.16 73-8-288-19 3.95 23.05
Adam Iles Goatacre 3 15.32 97.2-17-291-19 2.99 30.74
Phil Jones Blunsdon 15.33 108-13-368-24 3.41 27.00
Arul Ramasamy Blunsdon 15.38 101.5-13-369-24 3.62 25.46
Chandan Vaishnav Marlborough 3 15.80 62.4-8-237-15 3.78 25.07
Andrew Murray Bathford 16.10 66-8-338-21 5.12 18.86
Alex Gifford Lacock 16.27 99-15-358-22 3.62 27.00
Matt Harding Lacock 16.46 129.1-19-428-26 3.31 29.81
Andrew Mildenhall Nationwide House 2 17.60 68-7-264-15 3.88 27.20
Simon Notman Goatacre 3 17.70 131.1-20-478-27 3.64 29.15
Barinder Negi Swindon Titans 17.83 125.1-16-410-23 3.28 32.65
Harish Kumar Blunsdon 18.56 99-16-334-18 3.37 33.00
Raghuveer Tupurani Nationwide House 2 18.71 87-4-393-21 4.52 24.86
Emily Smith Chippenham 4 18.82 55-6-207-11 3.76 30.00

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Best Bowling Economy

Minimum 50 overs

Name Team Economy Figures Ave SR
Satish Kasireddy Chippenham 4 2.57 97.3-21-251-21 11.95 27.86
Joe Duffield Bathford 2.68 51.3-10-138-12 11.50 25.75
Rakesh Donthi Swindon Titans 2.91 123.3-20-359-50 7.18 14.82
Adam Brunton Bathford 2.98 69.3-11-207-23 9.00 18.13
Adam Iles Goatacre 3 2.99 97.2-17-291-19 15.32 30.74
Manoj Perera Shrivenham 3.11 132-21-410-34 12.06 23.29
Veeranjaneyulu Thota Swindon Titans 3.18 63.1-11-201-17 11.82 22.29
Naveed Akram Shrivenham 3.19 123.2-21-393-30 13.10 24.67
Barinder Negi Swindon Titans 3.28 125.1-16-410-23 17.83 32.65
Matt Harding Lacock 3.31 129.1-19-428-26 16.46 29.81
Harish Kumar Blunsdon 3.37 99-16-334-18 18.56 33.00
Phil Jones Blunsdon 3.41 108-13-368-24 15.33 27.00
Matt Hunt Bathford 3.46 86.3-18-299-14 21.36 37.07
Tom Andrews Goatacre 3 3.49 59-10-206-15 13.73 23.60
Ravinder Singh Swindon Titans 3.49 71-11-248-12 20.67 35.50
Arul Ramasamy Blunsdon 3.62 101.5-13-369-24 15.38 25.46
Alex Gifford Lacock 3.62 99-15-358-22 16.27 27.00
Shashwat Srivastava Nationwide House 2 3.62 73-8-264-11 24.00 39.82
Simon Notman Goatacre 3 3.64 131.1-20-478-27 17.70 29.15
Emily Smith Chippenham 4 3.76 55-6-207-11 18.82 30.00
Chandan Vaishnav Marlborough 3 3.78 62.4-8-237-15 15.80 25.07
Peter Coombs Bathford 3.79 83.5-17-318-14 22.71 35.93
Suresh Babu Kuramboyina Swindon Titans 3.80 71-12-270-10 27.00 42.60
Andrew Mildenhall Nationwide House 2 3.88 68-7-264-15 17.60 27.20
Matt Haywood Shrivenham 3.95 73-8-288-19 15.16 23.05
Nitish Acharya Nationwide House 2 3.99 80.4-7-322-14 23.00 34.57
Simon Carr Shrivenham 4.00 52-10-208-8 26.00 39.00

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Best Bowling Figures

Name Figures Team Opponents
Veeranjaneyulu Thota 7-0-14-6 Swindon Titans v Lacock
Rakesh Donthi 8-1-31-6 Swindon Titans @ Goatacre 3
Adam Brunton 5.3-2-9-5 Bathford @ Chippenham 4
Manoj Perera 8.4-3-13-5 Shrivenham @ Chippenham 4
Rakesh Donthi 8-0-17-5 Swindon Titans @ Nationwide House 2
Rakesh Donthi 9-2-17-5 Swindon Titans @ Bathford
Manoj Perera 8.2-3-18-5 Shrivenham v Bathford
Alex Gifford 9-1-18-5 Lacock @ Chippenham 4
Jeremiah Francis 3.4-0-20-5 Shrivenham v Swindon Titans
Chandan Vaishnav 8.4-1-24-5 Marlborough 3 @ Bathford
Raghuveer Tupurani 9-2-24-5 Nationwide House 2 v Marlborough 3
Barinder Negi 6.5-0-26-5 Swindon Titans v Bathford
Sam Thomas 7.5-2-26-5 Lacock v Shrivenham
Mrigank Kumar 9-1-27-5 Nationwide House 2 @ Lacock
Tom Swain 9-1-34-5 Lacock v Swindon 4
Matt Haywood 9-2-37-5 Shrivenham v Nationwide House 2
Owen Bate 7-3-38-5 Marlborough 3 v Nationwide House 2
Tom Andrews 9-2-41-5 Goatacre 3 v Blunsdon
Arul Ramasamy 6-2-7-4 Blunsdon @ Shrivenham
Satish Kasireddy 9-5-10-4 Chippenham 4 v Marlborough 3
Simon Wells 9-3-13-4 Marlborough 3 v Goatacre 3
Matt Hunt 9-4-14-4 Bathford v Nationwide House 2
Joe Duffield 7.3-0-15-4 Bathford @ Lacock
Rakesh Donthi 9-2-15-4 Swindon Titans v Nationwide House 2
Toby Iles 4-0-16-4 Goatacre 3 @ Chippenham 4
Ravinder Singh 6-2-17-4 Swindon Titans v Swindon 4
Manoj Perera 9-3-21-4 Shrivenham v Marlborough 3
James Harding 9-2-22-4 Lacock v Marlborough 3
Chris Barrow 9-1-22-4 Chippenham 4 v Swindon 4
Andrew Murray 7-0-23-4 Bathford @ Blunsdon
Andrew Murray 8-2-23-4 Bathford v Blunsdon
Alex Gifford 9-1-23-4 Lacock @ Shrivenham
Adam Woods 7-0-24-4 Shrivenham v Blunsdon
James Harding 7-0-25-4 Lacock @ Bathford
Alistair Duffield 9-2-25-4 Bathford v Swindon Titans
Simon Notman 9-2-26-4 Goatacre 3 v Chippenham 4
Jacob Box 4.3-0-27-4 Goatacre 3 v Chippenham 4
Phil Jones 9-1-28-4 Blunsdon v Swindon 4
James Harding 7-1-29-4 Lacock @ Swindon 4
Zahid Hasan 9-2-29-4 Nationwide House 2 @ Chippenham 4
Jack Fry 9-1-29-4 Goatacre 3 v Marlborough 3
Harry Roke 6-1-30-4 Blunsdon @ Goatacre 3
Ashish Ghode 9-1-33-4 Marlborough 3 v Bathford
Adam Brunton 9-1-33-4 Bathford v Lacock
Ravi Teja Rayudu 7-0-34-4 Swindon Titans v Marlborough 3
Simon Notman 9-1-34-4 Goatacre 3 v Swindon Titans
Rakesh Donthi 9-0-34-4 Swindon Titans v Swindon 4
Harry Roke 9-0-34-4 Blunsdon @ Swindon 4
Simon Notman 9-1-35-4 Goatacre 3 @ Swindon 4
Matt Harding 9-1-35-4 Lacock v Goatacre 3
Rakesh Donthi 9-0-35-4 Swindon Titans v Goatacre 3
Dan Lakeland 8-2-38-4 Chippenham 4 v Shrivenham
Syed Raza 9-2-40-4 Swindon 4 @ Goatacre 3
Toby Iles 6.1-0-45-4 Goatacre 3 v Bathford
Arul Ramasamy 9-0-51-4 Blunsdon v Bathford
Phil Jones 9-0-53-4 Blunsdon @ Goatacre 3

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Name Figures Team Opponents
Satish Kasireddy 9-4-15-3 Chippenham 4 @ Lacock
Jacob Box 8.4-1-59-3 Goatacre 3 v Swindon 4

Best Wicket Keeping

Name Team Catches Stumpings Total
Daniel Williams Goatacre 3 19 1 20
Shaun Dodson Blunsdon 5 6 11
Timothy Dunford Chippenham 4 8 2 10
Nick Marshall Bathford 9 1 10
Martin Hammond Shrivenham 6 1 7
Tom Greatrex Marlborough 3 6 6
Mitch Dodson Blunsdon 3 2 5

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Highest Team Scores

Score Overs Team Opponents
326-5 45 Shrivenham v Bathford
311-7 45 Shrivenham v Swindon 4
305-5 45 Shrivenham v Nationwide House 2
305-6 45 Swindon Titans v Nationwide House 2
278-4 45 Lacock v Shrivenham
269-10 39.3 Goatacre 3 v Swindon 4
264-7 45 Swindon Titans v Swindon 4
264-9 45 Swindon Titans v Bathford
263-10 42.3 Shrivenham v Blunsdon
262-10 44 Swindon 4 v Swindon Titans
254-3 42.5 Blunsdon v Chippenham 4
253-7 45 Chippenham 4 v Blunsdon
251-10 42.5 Shrivenham v Lacock
250-10 43.3 Swindon Titans v Chippenham 4

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Lowest Team Scores

Score Overs Team Opponents
52-10 26.3 Marlborough 3 v Chippenham 4
68-10 29.1 Blunsdon v Goatacre 3
69-10 25.3 Lacock v Bathford
73-10 30.4 Chippenham 4 v Shrivenham
73-10 21.1 Chippenham 4 v Lacock
85-10 39.3 Chippenham 4 v Bathford
85-10 24.3 Chippenham 4 v Goatacre 3
86-10 22 Shrivenham v Blunsdon
86-10 38.5 Shrivenham v Lacock
88-10 37.2 Bathford v Blunsdon
90-10 32 Marlborough 3 v Lacock
92-10 29 Swindon 4 v Shrivenham
92-10 28.3 Swindon 4 v Shrivenham
97-10 35.5 Bathford v Swindon Titans
98-10 36.1 Marlborough 3 v Swindon Titans
102-10 31.4 Nationwide House 2 v Bathford
104-10 37 Marlborough 3 v Shrivenham
105-10 38.3 Goatacre 3 v Marlborough 3
105-10 42.5 Bathford v Nationwide House 2
106-10 27.2 Bathford v Shrivenham
106-10 28.2 Bathford v Shrivenham
108-4 26 Swindon Titans v Nationwide House 2
110-10 31.2 Lacock v Shrivenham
111-10 33 Marlborough 3 v Blunsdon
113-10 35 Blunsdon v Bathford
114-10 35 Chippenham 4 v Goatacre 3
115-10 34 Bathford v Nationwide House 2
121-10 30 Chippenham 4 v Swindon Titans
121-10 44 Chippenham 4 v Shrivenham
122-10 30 Goatacre 3 v Swindon Titans
124-10 40.3 Marlborough 3 v Bathford
125-10 45 Swindon 4 v Bathford

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