Division Stats - 2019 Division 3

Most Runs in the Season

Name Team Runs Innings Not OutN.O. Average High ScoreH.S.
Ismail Suleman Trowbridge 2 622 6 2 155.5 192*
Nick Clarke White Horse 564 14 3 51.3 132*
Kelvin Lockwood Keevil 524 17 2 34.9 95*
Edward Read Heytesbury & Sutton Veny 516 15 0 34.4 93
Chris Thompson Bradford-on-Avon 513 14 0 36.6 83
Justin Wagstaff Heytesbury & Sutton Veny 510 14 1 39.2 80*
Sam Thurlow Potterne 3 464 14 0 33.1 66
Chay Forester Lacock 457 14 2 38.1 81
Simon Tyler Keevil 455 16 0 28.4 95
Matt Watson Marshfield 2 444 13 0 34.2 92
Simon Grant Heytesbury & Sutton Veny 439 12 1 39.9 97*
Phillip Steans Lacock 424 14 1 32.6 109
Alistair Goddard Trowbridge 2 407 13 5 50.9 62
S Chauhan Swindon 3 407 11 2 45.2 106
Nathan Sheffield White Horse 407 12 1 37.0 57
Ashley Baden Swindon 3 407 15 1 29.1 77
Jake Pettit Chippenham 3 395 13 0 30.4 72
Tony Burrows Bradford-on-Avon 392 12 3 43.6 104
Timothy Dunford Chippenham 3 389 16 2 27.8 80*
Paul Vooght Bradford-on-Avon 366 14 6 45.8 81*
Matthew Dicker Trowbridge 2 365 13 2 33.2 114*
Chris Vick Keevil 365 14 3 33.2 88*
Kevin Hendy Marshfield 2 364 12 3 40.4 95
Phil Alsop Potterne 3 318 11 0 28.9 78
Matthew Harrington Bradford-on-Avon 313 15 2 24.1 59*
Russell Lodge Marshfield 2 309 7 2 61.8 175*
Jon Candy White Horse 306 8 2 51.0 99*
Mark Wiltshire Lacock 303 12 0 25.3 56
Kyle Oakley Trowbridge 2 287 5 0 57.4 127
Adam Bolton Trowbridge 2 270 16 1 18.0 56
Ryan Salter Trowbridge 2 268 8 1 38.3 78*
James Tweedale Swindon 3 267 6 1 53.4 74*
Lewis Green Bradford-on-Avon 258 11 1 25.8 61
Robert Barnes Heytesbury & Sutton Veny 250 12 1 22.7 45
Simon Emmett Keevil 243 15 5 24.3 67
Chris Ladd White Horse 241 11 1 24.1 74*
William Carson Keevil 235 17 0 13.8 47
Daniel Watson Marshfield 2 220 8 1 31.4 88
Neil Doran Potterne 3 220 11 3 27.5 108
Matt Loft Lacock 219 8 2 36.5 69*
Lee Pearson Swindon 3 218 7 1 36.3 82
Jack Colyer Potterne 3 211 1 1 211*
Tom Clay Lacock 202 13 3 20.2 59

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Highest Batting Average

Minimum: 200 Runs

Name Team Runs Innings Not OutN.O. Average High ScoreH.S.
Ismail Suleman Trowbridge 2 622 6 2 155.5 192*
Russell Lodge Marshfield 2 309 7 2 61.8 175*
Kyle Oakley Trowbridge 2 287 5 0 57.4 127
James Tweedale Swindon 3 267 6 1 53.4 74*
Nick Clarke White Horse 564 14 3 51.3 132*
Jon Candy White Horse 306 8 2 51.0 99*
Alistair Goddard Trowbridge 2 407 13 5 50.9 62
Paul Vooght Bradford-on-Avon 366 14 6 45.8 81*
S Chauhan Swindon 3 407 11 2 45.2 106
Tony Burrows Bradford-on-Avon 392 12 3 43.6 104
Kevin Hendy Marshfield 2 364 12 3 40.4 95
Simon Grant Heytesbury & Sutton Veny 439 12 1 39.9 97*
Justin Wagstaff Heytesbury & Sutton Veny 510 14 1 39.2 80*
Ryan Salter Trowbridge 2 268 8 1 38.3 78*
Chay Forester Lacock 457 14 2 38.1 81
Nathan Sheffield White Horse 407 12 1 37.0 57
Chris Thompson Bradford-on-Avon 513 14 0 36.6 83
Matt Loft Lacock 219 8 2 36.5 69*
Lee Pearson Swindon 3 218 7 1 36.3 82
Kelvin Lockwood Keevil 524 17 2 34.9 95*
Edward Read Heytesbury & Sutton Veny 516 15 0 34.4 93
Matt Watson Marshfield 2 444 13 0 34.2 92
Matthew Dicker Trowbridge 2 365 13 2 33.2 114*
Chris Vick Keevil 365 14 3 33.2 88*
Sam Thurlow Potterne 3 464 14 0 33.1 66
Phillip Steans Lacock 424 14 1 32.6 109
Daniel Watson Marshfield 2 220 8 1 31.4 88
Jake Pettit Chippenham 3 395 13 0 30.4 72
Ashley Baden Swindon 3 407 15 1 29.1 77
Phil Alsop Potterne 3 318 11 0 28.9 78
Simon Tyler Keevil 455 16 0 28.4 95
Timothy Dunford Chippenham 3 389 16 2 27.8 80*
Neil Doran Potterne 3 220 11 3 27.5 108
Lewis Green Bradford-on-Avon 258 11 1 25.8 61
Mark Wiltshire Lacock 303 12 0 25.3 56
Simon Emmett Keevil 243 15 5 24.3 67
Matthew Harrington Bradford-on-Avon 313 15 2 24.1 59*
Chris Ladd White Horse 241 11 1 24.1 74*
Robert Barnes Heytesbury & Sutton Veny 250 12 1 22.7 45
Tom Clay Lacock 202 13 3 20.2 59

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Highest Scores

Name Score Team Opponents
Jack Colyer 211* Potterne 3 v Keevil
Ismail Suleman 192* Trowbridge 2 v Potterne 3
Ismail Suleman 176 Trowbridge 2 @ White Horse
Russell Lodge 175* Marshfield 2 @ Potterne 3
Nick Clarke 132* White Horse @ Swindon 3
Isaac Smith 131 Chippenham 3 @ Swindon 3
Kyle Oakley 127 Trowbridge 2 v White Horse
Paresh Porobo 126* Swindon 3 v Potterne 3
Matthew Dicker 114* Trowbridge 2 v Heytesbury & Sutton Veny
Ismail Suleman 109 Trowbridge 2 v Lacock
Phillip Steans 109 Lacock v Swindon 3
Neil Doran 108 Potterne 3 @ Lacock
S Chauhan 106 Swindon 3 v Lacock
Harry Latham 104 Potterne 3 v Keevil
Tony Burrows 104 Bradford-on-Avon @ Keevil
Nick Clarke 101* White Horse @ Chippenham 3
John Baden 101 Swindon 3 v White Horse
Jon Candy 99* White Horse @ Bradford-on-Avon
Simon Grant 97* Heytesbury & Sutton Veny @ Marshfield 2
Simon Grant 97 Heytesbury & Sutton Veny @ Keevil
Steve Laggett 96* Swindon 3 @ Keevil
Kelvin Lockwood 95* Keevil @ Swindon 3
Kevin Hendy 95 Marshfield 2 v Keevil
Simon Tyler 95 Keevil v White Horse
Edward Read 93 Heytesbury & Sutton Veny v Swindon 3
Ismail Suleman 92* Trowbridge 2 @ Chippenham 3
Matt Watson 92 Marshfield 2 v Heytesbury & Sutton Veny
Matthew Dicker 92 Trowbridge 2 v Marshfield 2
Chris Vick 88* Keevil v Potterne 3
Daniel Watson 88 Marshfield 2 @ Swindon 3
Kevin Hendy 88 Marshfield 2 @ Potterne 3
S Chauhan 86* Swindon 3 v White Horse
James Pitman 86* Swindon 3 v Bradford-on-Avon
Jon Candy 84 White Horse v Trowbridge 2
Chris Thompson 83 Bradford-on-Avon @ Chippenham 3
Lee Pearson 82 Swindon 3 @ Lacock
Paul Vooght 81* Bradford-on-Avon v Marshfield 2
Chay Forester 81 Lacock v Keevil
Justin Wagstaff 80* Heytesbury & Sutton Veny @ Marshfield 2
Timothy Dunford 80* Chippenham 3 @ Swindon 3
Dan Veal 79 Trowbridge 2 @ Potterne 3
Justin Wagstaff 79 Heytesbury & Sutton Veny @ Swindon 3
Joe Thomson 79 Swindon 3 @ Lacock
Ryan Salter 78* Trowbridge 2 v White Horse
Phil Alsop 78 Potterne 3 @ Keevil
Justin Wagstaff 78 Heytesbury & Sutton Veny v Lacock
Ashley Baden 77 Swindon 3 @ Heytesbury & Sutton Veny
Thomas Lentschner 76 White Horse @ Swindon 3
Nick Clarke 76 White Horse @ Marshfield 2
Chris Thompson 75 Bradford-on-Avon v Swindon 3
Justin Wagstaff 75 Heytesbury & Sutton Veny @ Keevil
Chris Thompson 75 Bradford-on-Avon @ Marshfield 2
James Tweedale 74* Swindon 3 v Marshfield 2
Chris Ladd 74* White Horse v Keevil
Edward Read 73 Heytesbury & Sutton Veny v Chippenham 3
Jake Pettit 72 Chippenham 3 v White Horse
Lee Pearson 71 Swindon 3 v Heytesbury & Sutton Veny
Jack Humphrys 70 Chippenham 3 v Potterne 3
Edward Read 70 Heytesbury & Sutton Veny @ Trowbridge 2
Chay Forester 70 Lacock @ Swindon 3
Matt Loft 69* Lacock v White Horse
Chris Dicker 69 Trowbridge 2 @ Swindon 3
Josh Smith 68 Chippenham 3 v Swindon 3
Kelvin Lockwood 67 Keevil v White Horse
Simon Emmett 67 Keevil v Heytesbury & Sutton Veny
Sam Thurlow 66 Potterne 3 v Heytesbury & Sutton Veny
Daniel Watson 66 Marshfield 2 v White Horse
Miles Copland 66 Lacock v Potterne 3
James Tweedale 65 Swindon 3 @ Keevil
Edward Read 64 Heytesbury & Sutton Veny v Keevil
Timothy Dunford 64 Chippenham 3 v Bradford-on-Avon
James Tweedale 63 Swindon 3 @ Trowbridge 2
Paul Vooght 63 Bradford-on-Avon @ Swindon 3
Alistair Goddard 62 Trowbridge 2 v Chippenham 3
Harry Robbins 62 Trowbridge 2 v Heytesbury & Sutton Veny
Tom Andrew 62 Marshfield 2 @ Keevil
Chay Forester 62 Lacock v White Horse
Edward Read 62 Heytesbury & Sutton Veny @ Swindon 3
S Chauhan 61* Swindon 3 @ Heytesbury & Sutton Veny
Alistair Goddard 61* Trowbridge 2 v Keevil
Jake Pettit 61 Chippenham 3 v Swindon 3
Jayke Hudd 61 Trowbridge 2 v Bradford-on-Avon
Simon Grant 61 Heytesbury & Sutton Veny @ Potterne 3
Lewis Green 61 Bradford-on-Avon v Marshfield 2
Tony Burrows 61 Bradford-on-Avon v Heytesbury & Sutton Veny
Sam Thurlow 61 Potterne 3 @ Trowbridge 2
Robert Humphreys 59* Chippenham 3 @ Heytesbury & Sutton Veny
Matthew Harrington 59* Bradford-on-Avon v Swindon 3
Chris Vick 59* Keevil v Bradford-on-Avon
John Wiltshire 59 Lacock v Heytesbury & Sutton Veny
Ryan Salter 59 Trowbridge 2 @ Marshfield 2
Simon Tyler 59 Keevil @ Trowbridge 2
Tom Clay 59 Lacock v White Horse
Steve Laggett 58 Swindon 3 @ Trowbridge 2
Matthew Dicker 58 Trowbridge 2 @ Potterne 3
Todd Richardson 58 Chippenham 3 @ White Horse
Kyle Oakley 58 Trowbridge 2 v Marshfield 2
Nathan Sheffield 57 White Horse @ Keevil
Nathan Sheffield 57 White Horse v Potterne 3
Matt Loft 56* Lacock @ Chippenham 3
Chay Forester 56 Lacock v Heytesbury & Sutton Veny
Daniel Watson 56 Marshfield 2 @ White Horse
Adam Bolton 56 Trowbridge 2 v Heytesbury & Sutton Veny
Mark Wiltshire 56 Lacock @ Chippenham 3
Sam Thurlow 56 Potterne 3 v Marshfield 2
Jon Candy 55* White Horse v Marshfield 2
Kelvin Lockwood 55* Keevil v Marshfield 2
Kelvin Lockwood 55 Keevil @ Marshfield 2
Richard Binks 55 Potterne 3 v Swindon 3
Todd Richardson 54* Chippenham 3 @ Potterne 3
Kieran Chivers 54 Potterne 3 v Heytesbury & Sutton Veny
Sam Thurlow 54 Potterne 3 v White Horse
Matthew Harrington 54 Bradford-on-Avon @ Keevil
Simon Grant 54 Heytesbury & Sutton Veny @ Bradford-on-Avon
Phillip Steans 54 Lacock @ Trowbridge 2
Tony Burrows 53* Bradford-on-Avon v Chippenham 3
Tony Burrows 53* Bradford-on-Avon v Keevil
Will Johnson 53 Bradford-on-Avon v Heytesbury & Sutton Veny
Matt Watson 53 Marshfield 2 v Swindon 3
Nathan Sheffield 53 White Horse @ Lacock
Matt Watson 53 Marshfield 2 v Bradford-on-Avon
Nick Clarke 52* White Horse @ Bradford-on-Avon
Phil Alsop 52 Potterne 3 @ Marshfield 2
Simon Tyler 52 Keevil v Potterne 3
Lewis Green 52 Bradford-on-Avon v Heytesbury & Sutton Veny
Richard Binks 52 Potterne 3 @ White Horse
James Pike 51* Bradford-on-Avon v White Horse
Jake Pettit 51 Chippenham 3 v Potterne 3
Tim Knight 51 Chippenham 3 v Lacock
Ashley Baden 51 Swindon 3 v Bradford-on-Avon
Ollie Rew 51 Chippenham 3 v Bradford-on-Avon
Chris Vick 51 Keevil v Heytesbury & Sutton Veny
Phillip Steans 50* Lacock v Potterne 3
Matt Watson 50 Marshfield 2 v White Horse

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Most Wickets in the Season

Name Team WicketsWkt Figures Ave Eco SR
Simon Emmett Keevil 31 142-20-650-31 20.97 4.58 27.48
Kamal Singh Trowbridge 2 23 134-32-363-23 15.78 2.71 34.96
Edward Read Heytesbury & Sutton Veny 22 114-8-452-22 20.55 3.96 31.09
Dean Bird Bradford-on-Avon 21 98-11-380-21 18.10 3.88 28.00
Robert Barnes Heytesbury & Sutton Veny 21 99.4-15-423-21 20.14 4.24 28.48
Luke Mitchell Trowbridge 2 21 120.5-18-485-21 23.10 4.01 34.52
Simon Tyler Keevil 21 99.5-8-497-21 23.67 4.98 28.52
Ollie Rew Chippenham 3 19 75.5-10-216-19 11.37 2.85 23.95
Jonathan Moss Bradford-on-Avon 19 62.1-12-236-19 12.42 3.80 19.63
Matthew Harrington Bradford-on-Avon 19 82-17-280-19 14.74 3.41 25.89
Tom Clay Lacock 19 82.5-3-423-19 22.26 5.11 26.16
Steve Merryweather Chippenham 3 18 108.1-14-409-18 22.72 3.78 36.06
Charlie Chevis Swindon 3 18 104.3-9-486-18 27.00 4.65 34.83
Jake Paxton Trowbridge 2 17 62-6-259-17 15.24 4.18 21.88
Matt Watson Marshfield 2 17 74.1-3-300-17 17.65 4.04 26.18
Paul Vooght Bradford-on-Avon 17 105-22-348-17 20.47 3.31 37.06
Matt Evans Keevil 17 70.2-4-364-17 21.41 5.18 24.82
Kit Chapman Bradford-on-Avon 16 49.5-10-163-16 10.19 3.27 18.69
Thomas Lamb Marshfield 2 16 53.3-17-171-16 10.69 3.20 20.06
Corey Tallentire Trowbridge 2 16 55.2-9-222-16 13.88 4.01 20.75
M Farooq White Horse 16 49.3-10-236-16 14.75 4.77 18.56
Archie Attwell Swindon 3 16 75.5-5-386-16 24.13 5.09 28.44
Jon Bouault Keevil 16 98-13-425-16 26.56 4.34 36.75
Sam Thomson Lacock 15 62-15-197-15 13.13 3.18 24.80
Hayden Lloyd Chippenham 3 15 53.1-5-206-15 13.73 3.87 21.27
Daniel King Lacock 15 98-31-281-15 18.73 2.87 39.20
Dan Pettit Chippenham 3 15 89-17-306-15 20.40 3.44 35.60
Chris Hallett Chippenham 3 15 85-13-312-15 20.80 3.67 34.00
Robert Humphreys Chippenham 3 15 71.1-7-364-15 24.27 5.11 28.47
Nathan Sheffield White Horse 15 97.5-23-388-15 25.87 3.97 39.13
Alex Christopher Chippenham 3 14 64.3-7-228-14 16.29 3.53 27.64
Alex Hampson Heytesbury & Sutton Veny 14 95-11-443-14 31.64 4.66 40.71
Peter Dobell White Horse 14 101.1-6-460-14 32.86 4.55 43.36
S Chauhan Swindon 3 13 76-3-340-13 26.15 4.47 35.08
Josh Hamblin Keevil 13 105-15-512-13 39.38 4.88 48.46
Ben Mason Potterne 3 12 34.1-9-93-12 7.75 2.72 17.08
Nick Mooney Potterne 3 12 61.3-3-320-12 26.67 5.20 30.75
Harry Robbins Trowbridge 2 12 85.1-10-321-12 26.75 3.77 42.58
Lewis Simmons Lacock 12 73.1-5-362-12 30.17 4.95 36.58
Justin Wagstaff Heytesbury & Sutton Veny 12 95.4-10-424-12 35.33 4.43 47.83
Alex Forsey Keevil 12 107.1-13-495-12 41.25 4.62 53.58
Nick Leach Heytesbury & Sutton Veny 11 34.3-8-138-11 12.55 4.00 18.82
Lee Baden Swindon 3 11 27.5-0-184-11 16.73 6.61 15.18
Leigh Rogers Lacock 11 47-8-205-11 18.64 4.36 25.64
Josh Tadman Bradford-on-Avon 11 77-13-352-11 32.00 4.57 42.00
Ismail Suleman Trowbridge 2 10 45-12-139-10 13.90 3.09 27.00
Paul McCaulay Potterne 3 10 45-7-162-10 16.20 3.60 27.00
Tom Wade Bradford-on-Avon 10 63-7-266-10 26.60 4.22 37.80

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Best Bowling Average

Minimum 50 overs

Name Team Average Figures Eco SR
Thomas Lamb Marshfield 2 10.69 53.3-17-171-16 3.20 20.06
Ollie Rew Chippenham 3 11.37 75.5-10-216-19 2.85 23.95
Jonathan Moss Bradford-on-Avon 12.42 62.1-12-236-19 3.80 19.63
Sam Thomson Lacock 13.13 62-15-197-15 3.18 24.80
Hayden Lloyd Chippenham 3 13.73 53.1-5-206-15 3.87 21.27
Corey Tallentire Trowbridge 2 13.88 55.2-9-222-16 4.01 20.75
Matthew Harrington Bradford-on-Avon 14.74 82-17-280-19 3.41 25.89
Jake Paxton Trowbridge 2 15.24 62-6-259-17 4.18 21.88
Kamal Singh Trowbridge 2 15.78 134-32-363-23 2.71 34.96
Alex Christopher Chippenham 3 16.29 64.3-7-228-14 3.53 27.64
Matt Watson Marshfield 2 17.65 74.1-3-300-17 4.04 26.18
Dean Bird Bradford-on-Avon 18.10 98-11-380-21 3.88 28.00
Daniel King Lacock 18.73 98-31-281-15 2.87 39.20

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Best Bowling Economy

Minimum 50 overs

Name Team Economy Figures Ave SR
Kamal Singh Trowbridge 2 2.71 134-32-363-23 15.78 34.96
Ollie Rew Chippenham 3 2.85 75.5-10-216-19 11.37 23.95
Daniel King Lacock 2.87 98-31-281-15 18.73 39.20
Sam Thomson Lacock 3.18 62-15-197-15 13.13 24.80
Thomas Lamb Marshfield 2 3.20 53.3-17-171-16 10.69 20.06
Alex Tanner Trowbridge 2 3.30 67-10-221-8 27.63 50.25
Paul Vooght Bradford-on-Avon 3.31 105-22-348-17 20.47 37.06
Matthew Harrington Bradford-on-Avon 3.41 82-17-280-19 14.74 25.89
Ian Sharpe White Horse 3.42 74-10-253-9 28.11 49.33
Dan Pettit Chippenham 3 3.44 89-17-306-15 20.40 35.60
Thomas Lentschner White Horse 3.50 78-14-273-9 30.33 52.00
Alex Christopher Chippenham 3 3.53 64.3-7-228-14 16.29 27.64
Chris Hallett Chippenham 3 3.67 85-13-312-15 20.80 34.00
Harry Robbins Trowbridge 2 3.77 85.1-10-321-12 26.75 42.58
Steve Merryweather Chippenham 3 3.78 108.1-14-409-18 22.72 36.06
Jonathan Moss Bradford-on-Avon 3.80 62.1-12-236-19 12.42 19.63
Matt Cox Marshfield 2 3.85 82-15-316-9 35.11 54.67
Hayden Lloyd Chippenham 3 3.87 53.1-5-206-15 13.73 21.27
Dean Bird Bradford-on-Avon 3.88 98-11-380-21 18.10 28.00
Edward Read Heytesbury & Sutton Veny 3.96 114-8-452-22 20.55 31.09
Nathan Sheffield White Horse 3.97 97.5-23-388-15 25.87 39.13

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Best Bowling Figures

Name Figures Team Opponents
Sam Thomson 9-4-12-6 Lacock v Chippenham 3
Ollie Rew 9-2-21-6 Chippenham 3 v Heytesbury & Sutton Veny
Simon Tyler 9-1-22-6 Keevil v Lacock
Jack Colyer 7.4-0-36-6 Potterne 3 v Keevil
Matthew Harrington 7-2-14-5 Bradford-on-Avon v Potterne 3
Simon Emmett 8.1-0-25-5 Keevil v White Horse
Jake Paxton 9-3-29-5 Trowbridge 2 @ Heytesbury & Sutton Veny
Sam Rose 9-1-31-5 Lacock v Potterne 3
Dan Tallentire 9-2-33-5 Trowbridge 2 @ Keevil
Ian Sharpe 9-1-40-5 White Horse v Potterne 3
Chay Forester 9-1-44-5 Lacock v Keevil
Jonathan Moss 6.2-4-14-4 Bradford-on-Avon @ Trowbridge 2
Dan Tallentire 4.3-2-15-4 Trowbridge 2 @ Potterne 3
Ben Mason 7.1-2-16-4 Potterne 3 @ Heytesbury & Sutton Veny
Thomas Lamb 9-4-17-4 Marshfield 2 @ Heytesbury & Sutton Veny
Thomas Lamb 9-4-18-4 Marshfield 2 v Swindon 3
Harry Steele 6.2-0-24-4 Marshfield 2 @ Trowbridge 2
Matt Watson 9-1-24-4 Marshfield 2 @ Potterne 3
Matt Watson 8-1-25-4 Marshfield 2 v Swindon 3
Ben Mason 9-3-27-4 Potterne 3 v Heytesbury & Sutton Veny
William Pascall 7-1-29-4 Marshfield 2 @ Potterne 3
Kit Chapman 9-2-29-4 Bradford-on-Avon @ Chippenham 3
Katherine Mills 6-0-30-4 Trowbridge 2 v Heytesbury & Sutton Veny
Ethan Hutchins 7-0-30-4 Potterne 3 v White Horse
Peter Dobell 9-2-30-4 White Horse v Bradford-on-Avon
Edward Read 9-0-30-4 Heytesbury & Sutton Veny v White Horse
Nick Leach 8-1-32-4 Heytesbury & Sutton Veny @ Swindon 3
Richard Binks 9-0-34-4 Potterne 3 @ White Horse
Simon Emmett 6.1-1-35-4 Keevil v Trowbridge 2
Kit Chapman 8.5-0-36-4 Bradford-on-Avon v Swindon 3
M Farooq 9-2-36-4 White Horse v Potterne 3
Alex Christopher 6.3-1-37-4 Chippenham 3 @ Keevil
Simon Grant 7-0-37-4 Heytesbury & Sutton Veny @ Potterne 3
Justin Wagstaff 9-0-38-4 Heytesbury & Sutton Veny v Lacock
Chris Hallett 9-2-39-4 Chippenham 3 @ Potterne 3
Simon Emmett 9-1-39-4 Keevil v Bradford-on-Avon
Jonathan Moss 9-1-40-4 Bradford-on-Avon v Heytesbury & Sutton Veny
S Chauhan 9-1-43-4 Swindon 3 v Bradford-on-Avon
S Chauhan 9-0-43-4 Swindon 3 @ Keevil
Lewis Simmons 8.5-0-45-4 Lacock @ Chippenham 3
Ollie Rose 9-0-48-4 White Horse v Chippenham 3
Luke Mitchell 9-0-48-4 Trowbridge 2 @ Swindon 3
Edward Read 9-0-49-4 Heytesbury & Sutton Veny v Lacock
Lee Baden 9-0-51-4 Swindon 3 v Marshfield 2
Nathan Sheffield 9-0-52-4 White Horse @ Potterne 3
Milan Perera 9-1-54-4 Potterne 3 @ Keevil
Archie Attwell 9-0-56-4 Swindon 3 v White Horse

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Name Figures Team Opponents

Best Wicket Keeping

Name Team Catches Stumpings Total
Andy Hallett Keevil 14 4 18
Chris Thompson Bradford-on-Avon 13 4 17
Phillip Steans Lacock 11 1 12
Colin Sinkins Marshfield 2 8 3 11
Adam Davidson Swindon 3 7 7
Ryan Salter Trowbridge 2 7 7
Timothy Dunford Chippenham 3 4 2 6
Sam Thurlow Potterne 3 4 1 5

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Highest Team Scores

Score Overs Team Opponents
384-5 45 Potterne 3 v Keevil
344-4 44 Marshfield 2 v Potterne 3
307-4 45 Trowbridge 2 v Heytesbury & Sutton Veny
306-5 45 Swindon 3 v White Horse
299-10 37.1 Trowbridge 2 v Potterne 3
296-5 45 Trowbridge 2 v White Horse
291-10 41.4 White Horse v Swindon 3
289-5 45 Chippenham 3 v Swindon 3
285-5 45 Trowbridge 2 v Potterne 3
283-4 45 Lacock v White Horse
279-7 45 Keevil v Bradford-on-Avon
278-9 45 Trowbridge 2 v Swindon 3
275-9 45 Potterne 3 v Keevil
272-10 44 Swindon 3 v Heytesbury & Sutton Veny
272-8 45 Bradford-on-Avon v Marshfield 2
271-7 45 Keevil v Potterne 3
267-8 45 Swindon 3 v Lacock
266-7 45 Swindon 3 v Trowbridge 2
266-5 43 Swindon 3 v Lacock
264-9 45 Bradford-on-Avon v Keevil
260-10 44.1 Keevil v White Horse
257-10 43.5 Swindon 3 v Chippenham 3
251-10 42.5 Heytesbury & Sutton Veny v Swindon 3
251-6 45 Swindon 3 v Potterne 3

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Lowest Team Scores

Score Overs Team Opponents
33-10 20.4 Chippenham 3 v Lacock
60-10 21.5 Swindon 3 v Chippenham 3
62-10 24.1 Heytesbury & Sutton Veny v Potterne 3
88-10 32.3 Potterne 3 v Trowbridge 2
93-10 32.1 Potterne 3 v Bradford-on-Avon
99-10 29.5 Lacock v Bradford-on-Avon
102-10 27 Heytesbury & Sutton Veny v Bradford-on-Avon
105-10 33.4 Lacock v Keevil
107-10 38 Marshfield 2 v Bradford-on-Avon
107-10 38.5 Heytesbury & Sutton Veny v Chippenham 3
109-10 31.3 Keevil v Chippenham 3
110-10 37.1 Keevil v Chippenham 3
111-10 44.5 Bradford-on-Avon v Trowbridge 2
112-10 25.4 Keevil v Potterne 3
112-10 39.1 White Horse v Lacock
114-8 45 Marshfield 2 v Chippenham 3
116-8 45 Marshfield 2 v White Horse
116-10 37.1 White Horse v Chippenham 3
121-10 36.1 Chippenham 3 v Marshfield 2
122-10 37 Potterne 3 v Chippenham 3

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