Result - Corsham 4 v Melksham 2 - 10 Jun 2023

Innings of Melksham 2.

247-6 off 45.0 overs.

Innings of Corsham 4.

248-5 off 41.0 overs.

Corsham 4 won by 5 wickets.

Innings of Melksham 2.

Name How Out Fielder Bowler Score
Ross Holbrook Bowled Ben Draper 19
Tony Trotman Caught Keeper Ben Burley Ben Draper 108
John Wiltshire Caught Fielder John Cobb Scott Fleming 36
Jonny House LBW Ben Draper 25
Steve Burns Bowled John Cobb 11
Dave Light Not Out 15
Andy Footner Caught Fielder Imogen Cobb John Cobb 0
Abigail Footner Not Out 2
Extras Byes: 16, Wides: 12, No Balls: 3 31
Total for 6 wickets in 45 overs 6 wkts, 45 overs 247

Did not bat: Chris Long, Luke Wilkins, Finn Evans

Bowling of Corsham 4

Bowler Overs Maidens Runs Wickets
Imogen Cobb 9 1 42 0
Nicholas Gardiner 9 1 44 0
John Cobb 9 0 51 2
Ben Draper 9 1 56 3
David Jenkins 5 0 21 0
Scott Fleming 4 0 22 1

Innings of Corsham 4.

Name How Out Fielder Bowler Score
Ben Draper Caught Fielder Luke Wilkins Finn Evans 24
Thomas Hyde Bowled Andy Footner 0
Will Lister Stumped Dave Light John Wiltshire 74
Ben Burley Bowled Luke Wilkins 31
Nicholas Gardiner Bowled Luke Wilkins 87
Scott Fleming Not Out 17
David Jenkins Not Out 4
Extras Byes: 1, Leg Byes: 6, Wides: 3, No Balls: 1 11
Total for 5 wickets in 41 overs 5 wkts, 41 overs 248

Did not bat: Steve Burley, John Cobb, Imogen Cobb, Steve Curtis

Bowling of Melksham 2

Bowler Overs Maidens Runs Wickets
Andy Footner 9 3 25 1
Chris Long 9 1 42 0
Finn Evans 6 0 45 1
John Wiltshire 5 0 32 1
Abigail Footner 3 0 29 0
Luke Wilkins 6 0 42 2
Ross Holbrook 3 0 28 0


Corsham 4 umpire was David Klewin (ACO Trained). 1 point awarded.

Melksham 2 forum-trained players were Andy Footner and Chris Long. 1 point awarded.

League Points

Team Result Batting Bowling Other Total
Corsham 4 10 7 3 1 21
Melksham 2 0 6 2 1 9