2006 Division 6

Team PlayedPld Won Lost Tied Canc'd /
Lacock 18 14 1 0 3 82 76 0 328
Burbage & Easton Royal 2 18 11 4 0 3 67 74 0 281
Westbury 3 18 9 5 0 4 63 63 -10 246
Dauntsey Gentlemen 18 8 6 0 4 55 69 0 244
Mildenhall 18 9 6 0 3 60 61 10 241
Biddestone 3 18 7 7 0 4 59 63 0 232
Warminster 3 18 6 8 0 4 48 58 0 206
Trowbridge A 18 3 11 0 4 46 49 20 175
Calne 2 18 3 12 0 3 43 56 0 159
Box 2 18 2 12 0 4 42 45 0 147

45 overs. Batting Points 75-200. 1 umpire point available. Loan players not allowed.

Actions Required

Box need to log in to see pending messages.

Trowbridge need to log in to see pending messages.

Westbury need to log in to see pending messages.

Biddestone need to log in to see pending messages.

Lacock need to log in to see pending messages.

Warminster need to log in to see pending messages.

Calne need to log in to see pending messages.