2011 Division 4

Team PlayedPld Won Lost Tied Canc'd /
Warminster 3 18 13 3 0 2 72 93 0 315
Swindon B 18 11 4 1 2 68 77 20 290
Keevil 18 10 5 0 3 62 80 0 272
All Cannings 18 9 8 0 1 73 80 0 253
Corsham 4 18 7 8 1 2 63 64 20 232
Bradford Town 2 18 7 8 0 3 55 68 0 223
Bathford 18 7 7 0 4 52 59 0 221
Trowbridge A 18 7 11 0 0 59 56 0 185
Wilcot 18 5 11 0 2 53 62 0 185
Westbury 3 18 1 12 0 5 30 37 -20 107

45 overs. Batting Points 75-200. 1 umpire point available. Loan players not allowed.

Actions Required

Wilcot need to log in to see pending messages.

Trowbridge need to log in to see pending messages.

Swindon need to log in to see pending messages.

Bathford need to log in to see pending messages.

Westbury need to log in to see pending messages.

Corsham need to log in to see pending messages.

Warminster need to log in to see pending messages.

Bradford-on-Avon need to log in to see pending messages.