2008 Division 7

Team PlayedPld Won Lost Tied Canc'd /
Warminster 4 16 10 4 0 2 54 82 0 1686
Potterne 3 16 8 4 0 4 52 64 0 1633
Wootton Bassett 4 18 7 5 0 6 46 51 0 1392
Marshfield 3 16 7 6 0 3 31 72 0 1331
Chippenham 4 16 6 6 0 4 37 48 20 1292
Marlborough 3 16 8 7 0 1 47 64 0 1273
Ramsbury 18 4 7 1 6 39 37 40 1175
KC Club 2 16 5 7 0 4 41 49 0 1167
Box 2 16 5 6 0 5 43 40 -10 1118
Lacock 2 16 5 6 0 5 40 30 10 1091
Devizes 4 16 2 9 1 4 26 37 -30 483

45 overs. Batting Points 75-200. 1 umpire point available. Loan players not allowed.

This division has been calculated using average points, which have been multiplied by 100.

Actions Required

Box need to log in to see pending messages.

Devizes need to log in to see pending messages.

Royal Wootton Bassett need to log in to see pending messages.

Lacock need to log in to see pending messages.

Chippenham need to log in to see pending messages.

Warminster need to log in to see pending messages.

Marlborough need to log in to see pending messages.

Marshfield need to log in to see pending messages.